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An investigation from the typical angles of onto1o, Marxism theory and the theory of contract shows giving a scientific reply to what is lawmust be united the intension and extension of the law dialectically.

An inventor or teller of falsehoods; a liar. 撒谎者谎言捏造者或讲述者;说谎的人
An inverse problem method is employed to determine the average magnitude of acid pollutants in groundwater in Fengshui, Zibo, Shandong. 摘要应用反问题方法探讨山东淄博市张店区沣水南部区域地下水中硫酸盐的年入渗强度的数值反演问题。
An inverse problem of a free boundary problem which arised from the flow of non-Newtonian fluids is studied. 摘要讨论了由非牛顿流体流动引起的一类自由边值问题的一个反问题。
An investigation by members of the British parliament says arms smuggling has become so widespread in eastern parts of the Democrat Republic of Congo that it threatens to reignite the war there. 一项由英国议员展开的调查报告称,刚果民主共和国北部地区的武器走私已经严重到很有可能再次引发战争的地步。
An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views. 政治迫害表面上是开展揭露颠覆的活动,但实际上用于扰乱和削弱持不同看法的人的调查
An investigation from the typical angles of onto1o, Marxism theory and the theory of contract shows giving a scientific reply to what is lawmust be united the intension and extension of the law dialectically. 摘要从本源本体论、马克思主义理论和契约论等典型角度考察,要科学回答“法律是什么”必须把法的内涵和外延辩证统一。
An investigation into employment of 2001's graduates was made by distributing questionnaires. 摘要通过问卷形式对我院2001年会计专业毕业生的就业情况进行了调查。
An investigation is made on the effect of plasma temperature and pressure on surface chemical composition, physical surface properties and biocompatibility of material. 结果表明,温度、压力对表面修饰层胺浓度有较大的影响。
An investigation on the raw water quality in 12 typical cities in south China, such as Wuhan, Changsha, and Chengdu etc., was conducted to assess the impact of raw water quality on drinking water supply in cites. 摘要对中国南方地区具有代表性的武汉、长沙、成都等12个城市饮用水水源的水质状况进行了调查、监测与分析,结果显示,南方地区的水源普遍存在著低浊、高藻、微污染的特徵。
An investigation shows that many emigrant s think that working at city provide them&nbs p;with not only a higher salary but also ;the opportunity of learning new skills. 一项调查显示许多民工认为在城市打工不仅有较高的收入,而且能学到一些新技术。
An investigation shows that whenever the unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increases correspondingly by 2%. 调查表明失业率每增长1%,死亡率相应增长2%。

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