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At Shen-Mei, we have long-standing belief that our business should bring benefit and refreshment to our communities. We are committed to our role as a good neighbor and responsible citizen.

At Providence Hospital in Seattle, a young woman set up a table for donations and raised '1,000. 在西雅图的昔维登斯医院,一名年轻妇女摆出桌子募款1000美元。
At Regent, we are focused on developing the whole person, from academic excellence and the development of physical and artistic talents, to community leadership and outreach. 在董事,我们集中于开发整体人,从学术优秀和物理和艺术性的天分的发展,到社区领导和胜过。
At Roedean in Brighton there are six Chinese pupils, five of whom are studying for A—levels. 在布赖顿的罗顿公学里有6名中国学生,其中5名正在为通过高级考试而学习。
At SCA Nutrition we have an appetizer (Primistart) that enhances the development of early feed intake, especially in lightweight pigs. 理想条件下,所有的教槽料都应该放在垫子上,但是这会导致浪费的饲料会和采食的一样多,这是我在我的试验中发现的。
At Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School we have both formative and summative assessments. 在上海市世界外国语小学,我们既有形成性评价也有终结性评价。
At Shen-Mei, we have long-standing belief that our business should bring benefit and refreshment to our communities. We are committed to our role as a good neighbor and responsible citizen. 在申美,我们一直坚信我们的业务发展应使我们的社区受益。我们力争在社会大家庭中做一个好邻居和恪守职责的好公民。
At Shengda, the downgraded diploma struck some students as a body blow, one that could cripple their chances of securing a good office job. 在升达,降级的文凭对于他们来说就如五雷轰顶,削弱了他们找个好的办公室工作的机会。
At Shiprock, New Mexico, a perennially powerful girls\' high school basketball team has become a path to college for some and a source of pride for a community where the household incomes of 49 percent of them are below the poverty level. 在新墨西哥的希普洛克,一个一直很强的女子高中篮球队已经成为一些人上大学的跳板,也成为这个49%的家庭收入低于贫困线的社区的骄傲来源。
At Simonopetra [Monastery] monks pile the bones of brothers in a charnel house. 在这所修道院中,僧侣们把他们教友的遗骸累积在专门的存放遗骸的房子里。
At Starbucks, the smallest coffee you can order is a Tall. 在星巴克咖啡店,你能点到的最小份的咖啡叫“高杯”。
At Sunday School they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. 在佛学班上,同学们被告知上帝如何制造万物,其中也包括人类。

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