Only last week, the commission and American trade negotiators reached a tentative “open skies” deal that could partially liberalise air travel between Europe and the United States (see article).
就是在上周,欧盟委员会同美国的贸易谈判代表达成了一项试验性的“开放天空”条款,这能够部分自由化欧美间航空业务。 |
Only later on, especially in late Qing Dynasty, the feudal rulers adopted a policy of seclusion, which hampered China's progress and its exchanges with the outside world.
但是后来特别是清代晚期,封建统治者实行闭关锁国政策,阻碍了中国的进步和中外交流。 |
Only later will we reflect that the Rocky Mountaineer is more time machine than transport.
到后来我们才明白,落山基登山号与其说是运输工具,倒不如说是时间机器。 |
Only let me make my life simple and straight, like a flute of reed for thee to fill with music.
就让我的生命单纯正直,像一支芦笛,充满你的音乐。 |
Only let us live up to what we have already attained.
16然而我们到了什么地步,就当照着什么地步行。 |
Only licences that met the new standards would be accepted by the federal government.
只有符合新标准的执照方能被联邦政府接受。 |
Only limiting this element of free will to infinity, that is, regarding it as an infinitesimal minimum, we are convinced of the complete unattainability of causes, and then, instead of seeking causes, history sees before itself the task of seeking laws.
只有无限地约制这种自由意志力,就是说,把它看作无限小的数量,我们才会相信原因是完全不可理解的,于是历史把寻求法则作为它的任务,以取代对原因的探寻。 |
Only line boxes containing inline elements (like text) will care where the float is displayed.
只有包含行内元素的行盒(例如文本),才需要关注浮动在哪里被显示。 |
Only lively lectures can amuse and impress students.
只有活泼生动的讲课才能把学生逗乐并给他们留下印象. |
Only low cost or high costeffectieness interentions are included at this leel.
在这个治疗水平中仅仅包括消费最低和性价比最高的干预措施。 |
Only low cost or high costeffectiveness interventions are included at this level.
在这个治疗水平中仅仅包括消费最低和性价比最高的干预措施。 |