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Based on the adhesion of insurance contract, specialty of insurance, and asymmetrical information, it is necessary to contract the excluding clauses for contract justice and healthy development of insurance industry.

1 Based on the actual situation of the modern life science laboratory teaching center in Southwest University, this article collected systematically data of the platform construction, the platform teaching activities, and the platform management, put forwar 已记 看解释
2 Based on the actual situation of ticket revenue of some mass transit enterprise, the author-makes an approach to a mathematical model to explain the relation among ticket revenue(R)、ticket price (P) and passenger quality(Q), and proposes that some methods 已记 看解释
3 Based on the actual time we need to let all candidates from different crews to have enough time to prepare the excellent artwork for the festival, it is too rush-in condition for the preparation procedure since we obtain all blank shoes, blank skate board 已记 看解释
4 Based on the actuality of the disciplines setup and the study field of pharmic graduate students in China, it is pointed out that at present, the field of pharmic graduate students education cannot contain the whole pharmic field in China, which results i 已记 看解释
5 Based on the addition algorithm, the design was optimized by the method of scan chain control and iterative invoke and realized 14 kinds of large-number operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, module addition, module multiplica 已记 看解释
6 Based on the adhesion of insurance contract, specialty of insurance, and asymmetrical information, it is necessary to contract the excluding clauses for contract justice and healthy development of insurance industry. 已记 看解释
7 Based on the advances that many experts had studied in flax anther culture field for thirty years in country and abroad, some aspects were summarized and discussed as followed: (1) Selection and manufacture of anther medium of flax; (2) Effect factors of 已记 看解释
8 Based on the advantage of former keel stairs,this stairs adopt new extrusion craftwork;and the structure of the stairs are more firm and safe.This product has been awarded many national patents. 已记 看解释
9 Based on the advantage of laser multi-spectrum active detection technology, it can be used in broad field such as control and guide, target identifying, terrain matching and other field that laser active detection can be used. 已记 看解释
10 Based on the aerodynamic characteristics of space shuttle booster-like missile bodies at angle of attack from 0° to 180°, the flying characteristics of high maneuver at 90° angle of attack and velocity consuming at 180° angle of attack are analyzed. 已记 看解释
11 Based on the algebraic transformation and the frame of KMM algorithm, a self-adjusting factor was embedded into Newton equations for P0 linear complementarity problem, a new infeasible interior point algorithm for P0 linear complementarity problem (P0-LCP 已记 看解释

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