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Oh, no! You have stolen my lunch,cried the crow.

Oh, don't you understand that it isn't a passing whim? 啊,难道你不明白这不是一个昙花一现的念头?
Oh, father, I should so like to be a Resurrection man when I'm quite growed up! “我长大以后,啊,爸爸,也很想当个复活贩子呢!”
Oh, just missed it. See it go down?he asked. If you see it jump down, you want to lift the rod straight in the air. “哦,它跑了。看见它向下游走了吗?他问。“要是你看到鱼向下游,你就要举起鱼杆。”
Oh, man! I wouldn't be surprised the way (things) has been going,a smiling Billups said as he gave some daps and headed out of the locker room. “嘿,伙计!扣不进怎么了,我才不在乎呢”,他微笑着,一边跟队友打招呼,一边走出了更衣室。
Oh, my goodness, that's terrible! 『喔,天啊,太可怕了!』
Oh, no! You have stolen my lunch,cried the crow. 乌鸦哭喊着说:“喔!不!你偷了我的午餐!”
Oh, no, sir,said John, and his face went red. My brother is five months older than I am. 约翰脸红了,说:“哦,不是,长官,我哥哥比我大五个月。”
Oh, no,answered the old man, it won't be a crime, but it will certainly be a miracle. “哦,是的,”老者回答,“倒是不违法,但毫无疑问那将是个奇迹。”
Oh, no; girls, you know, are much too clever to fall out of their prams. “没有啊,你知道,女孩子太机灵,不会从儿童车里掉出来的。”
Oh, piped down.he called. 噢,闭嘴。他喊道。
Oh, stop it, Molly. You‘re such a baby. Rather than crying, you should be furious at your father for humiliating me. “哦,莫莉,不要哭。你真像小婴儿。你不该哭,你应该为你父亲羞辱我而感到气愤。”

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