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Companies need to move quickly to deal with such problems because the negativity of just one individual is pervasive and destructive and can spread quickly,said co-author Terence Mitchell, a professor of management and organization.

Command the Israelites to send away from the camp anyone who has an infectious skin disease or a discharge of any kind, or who is ceremonially unclean because of a dead body. 2你吩咐以色列人,使一切长大麻疯的,患漏症的,并因死尸不洁净的,都出营外去。
Command the sons of Israel that they bring to you clear oil from beaten olives for the light, to make a lamp burn continually. 利24:2要吩咐以色列人、把那为点灯捣成的清橄榄油、拿来给你、使灯常常点著。
Common juniper (J. communis) is a sprawling shrub whose fragrant, spicy-smelling berries are used to flavour foods and alcoholic beverages, particularly gin. 欧洲刺柏为蔓生灌木,味香辣的果实用于食品和酒精饮料调味,特别是杜松子酒。
Communicating or putting his passion across is not something he's particularly fond of. But I wouldn't think it's anything other than his illness that makes him a bit down. “交流或者表达他的热情并不是他特别喜欢的事。但是我并不认为是生病以外的其它事情让他有点消沉。”
Communicationsmeans transmission of sounds, pictures, text or data by wire, radio, satellite or other electromagnetic means. 一、通讯传播:指以有线、无线、卫星或其他电子传输设施传送声音、影像、文字或数据者。
Companies need to move quickly to deal with such problems because the negativity of just one individual is pervasive and destructive and can spread quickly,said co-author Terence Mitchell, a professor of management and organization. 研究报告的撰写者之一、管理和组织行为学教授特伦斯·米歇尔说:“由于一个员工的不良行为会快速传播而且颇具渗透力和杀伤力,所以公司应立即采取措施杜绝此类问题。”
Compare them to Thai workers: while real levels of income are more than eight times higher in the States, more workers in the US feel their pay is a problem than in Thailand,she added. 她说:“将美国与泰国做个比较:美国员工的实际收入水平为泰国的八倍,而美国越来越多的工人觉得他们的工资已是一个问题。”
Compared to similarly priced oil products, LAKONIA Extra Virgin Olive Oil tastes better. 「与市面上价钱相若的产品比较,LAKONIA特级冷压橄榄油的橄榄香味较浓。
Comparing the dog sequence data with current drafts of the human and mouse genome sequences showed that the dog lineage was the first to diverge from the common ancestor of the three species, and that the human and dog are much more similar to each other 他们在《科学》杂志上发表的结果中提到:“通过比较狗基因组序列数据和现有的人类基因组草图以及老鼠的基因组序列,结果显示狗类家族首先从三者共同的祖先中分离出来,在遗传等级上狗比老鼠更接近人类,与人类更相似。”
Competition Searchis what we're really after, so click on that. 搜索比赛就是我们实际上后,点击.
Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society. 归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。

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