One of the reaso Kaji decided to stop doing the Scorpion pictures is that Toei kept slashing the budget with each new i tallment.
梶芽衣子决定退出女囚毒蝎子系列的其中一个重要原因是由于东映逐部地削减这个系列的预算。 |
One of the reasons American prosecutors did not indict KMPG last year for its part in a case of massive alleged tax fraud may have been to avoid the risk of another Andersen-like collapse.
去年美国检察官没有因为大额税务欺诈控告毕马威,其中一个原因也许就是怕重蹈安达信覆辙。 |
One of the reasons behind his improvement is leaving behind the dreadful rapport he had with Real boss Fabio Capello.
加入红黑社团之前的那个赛季,罗纳尔多和卡佩罗的关系搞得挺僵。 |
One of the reasons for American dominance of film distribution is economic.
美商之所以能主宰影片的发行,经济因素是其一。 |
One of the reasons for the German preference for hop-on, hop-off high-speed trains is that stage lengths are shorter than in France, where the population is more spread out, with fewer big towns.
德国人喜欢随上随下高速列车的其中第一个原因是站与站的距离要比法国短,法国的人口更分散,大城市更少。 |
One of the reasons for the change is that Italians are struggling to deal with a faster pace of life, under pressure to do more, earn more and not waste time.
造成这项改变的原因之一,是义大利人正努力适应更快的生活步调,应付必须做更多事、赚更多钱、不要浪费时间的压力。 |
One of the reasons for this objection is that firms may be reluctant to invest in new assembly lines if they cannot achieve economies of scale.
反对的一个原因是如果他们不能完成因经营规模的扩大而得到的经济节约,公司就会很难在新的产品线上投资。 |
One of the reasons that can produce misunderstanding or contort to speaker's original intention or purpose and lead to false preset of pragmatics is that there is an difference of message between the language structure and the intentional structure.
产生误解或曲解发话者的本意或意图而导致虚假语用预设的原因之一是语言结构与意图结构之间存在着信息差。 |
One of the reasons that the Depression is of interest to economists is that it reverberated through the world, a global economic event before globalisation took hold.
书中许多处都对想从华盛顿开始重组世界的人的评判表示赞同。 |
One of the reasons the system succeeds, he says, is there is considerable difference in the geometrical structure of male and female facial features.
这些影像只包括眼、鼻、口,删除了胡子和头发等,系统最初做得相当好,仅在视觉提示的基础上就认准了每个影像的性别。 |
One of the reasons these cases are increasing is because Free Software becomes more visible on the one hand, but seems to be defenseless against such attacks on the other.
这些案例逐渐增加的其中一个原因,是因为自由软体在一方面变得较具有能见度,但是似乎在另一方面对于这些攻击并不具有抵抗力。 |