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They weave gracefully through the crowd, telling their story, placing a hand gently on someone's shoulder.

They watched him with astonishment but without enmity. 大家惊讶地看着他,但并没有敌意。
They watched jig on TV and tried to imitate. 他们看着电视里的快步舞并且试图模仿。
They watched the sport with interest. 他们兴致勃勃地观看比赛。
They watered the trees as often as they could. 他们尽可能经常给树浇水。
They waved a white flag in token of surrender. 他们挥动白旗藉以表达投降。
They weave gracefully through the crowd, telling their story, placing a hand gently on someone's shoulder. 她们优雅地走在人群中,讲述着她们的故事,还将一只手轻轻放在一人的肩膀上。
They weave through the southwest desert like a snake stalking its prey. 大峡谷裂缝在西南部沙漠上蜿蜒迂回,犹如蛇朝它的猎物悄悄地潜行着一般。
They weigh five kilos. So I'll be just under the weight. 它们共5公斤重,我们正好在规定的限重内。
They weigh on every single detail. 他们为每个细节煞费苦心。
They weigh up to forty-five tons and originated 32 kilometers from the site. 最重的可达四十五公吨,并且来自距离现址三十二公里外的地方。
They welcome men into the ranks of feminists. 她们欢迎男性参加到争取女权运动中来。

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