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Aiming at introducing what cruise vacation is all about to the travel industry and general public, Star Cruises will highlight the attractions of her fleet in the exhibition, including Asia's largest SuperStar Virgo, Hong Kong's first world class ship Sta

Aiming at enhancing human resources development and transferring efficiently in rural areas, this paper suggests five approaches to solve the problem as follows, rational planning the distribution of vocation education resources; integrating the agricultu 摘要根据我国目前职业教育资源的现状,应合理规划和安排职业教育资源布局,加强农科教资源统筹,注重城乡职教资源整合与产学合作,整合信息技术资源,增强职业教育与就业转移对接等五个方面对职业教育进行资源整合,促进农村人力资源高效开发转移。
Aiming at enterprises' crisis emerging in endlessly in Network-Communication surroundings, and crisis advance and degenerate frequently for Network-Communication, we study the forewarning-management on enterprises' crisis in Network-Communication surround 摘要针对网络传播环境下企业危机层出不穷的现状,提出了网络传播环境下的企业危机预警管理思想,并从功能、活动内容和运行模式上设计了企业危机预警管理系统,最后从系统建设、制度与流程设计以及保障体系建立3个方面对危机预警管理的实现提出了解决方案。
Aiming at finding a solution to the problems of the complexity in the process and low effectiveness of curriculum time allotment in automatic arrangement system, a new algorithm for automatic course arrangement is proposed based on the theory of packet op 摘要为解决目前高校自动排课系统设计复杂、排课效率低的问题,提出了一种基于分组优化和矩阵运算的自动排课算法。
Aiming at head-and-shoulder video sequences often showed in those fields such as visual telephone,video conference and etc.,with human visual characterstic to best advantage,a scalable video coding method based on human face detection and tracing is prese 本文在充分考虑人眼视觉特性的基础上,针对可视电话、视频电视会议等领域经常出现的视频头肩序列图像,提出了一种面向人脸检测与跟踪的视频分级编码方法,在极低比特率的情况下,接收端仍能获得视觉质量较好的恢复序列图像.
Aiming at high design requirement and great technical difficulties, construction methods such as blasting control, excavating and mucking in the tunnel and grout injection in the holes with anchor have been improved on so as to advance construction effici 针对此工程设计要求高、技术难度大等特点,对爆破控制、洞室开挖出渣、锚杆注浆等施工方法进行了改进,提高了施工工效,加快了施工进度,最终提高了经济效益。
Aiming at introducing what cruise vacation is all about to the travel industry and general public, Star Cruises will highlight the attractions of her fleet in the exhibition, including Asia's largest SuperStar Virgo, Hong Kong's first world class ship Sta 为旅游业界和公众人士介绍日益受注视的邮轮旅游活动及其乐趣,并重点推介丽星邮轮集团旗下多艘广受欢迎的豪华邮轮及航线,其中包括亚太区最大型豪华邮轮处女星号、香港第一艘世界级邮轮双鱼星号、双子星号东南亚探索之旅,以及集团旗下品牌包括挪威邮轮、NCL美国、东方邮轮并邮轮客运的船队。
Aiming at judicature independence and building scientific and rational institutions and modern court system, inspite of all kinds of difficulties and hardships during the last 100 years, will keep on going forward to be perfect and scientific in the 21st 以司法独立为目标,以构建科学合理的具体制度为内容的法院体制现代化经历了百余年曲折艰难的历程,在21世纪的今天仍将继续其前进的步伐,走向更完善更科学的未来。
Aiming at permanent brushless DC motor in mini-BEV (battery electric vehicle) with torque ripple and violent noise during low speed running, the fuzzy control method is combined with slide mode control method to suppress the influence due to un-modeling p 摘要针对微型电动车用永磁无别电动机转矩脉动大、低速运行时噪声明显等主要问题,采用模糊控制和滑模控制相结合的方法,克服了未建模参数的影响,保证了滑模到达阶段的鲁棒性,同时抑制了转矩脉动。
Aiming at practical development status of modern distance education, this paper studied ways for promoting modern distance education quality from aspect of quality control. 摘要本文针对现代远程教育发展的实际情况,从质量控制的思路出发,研究了促进现代远程教育质量提高的途径。
Aiming at providing our valuable customers with value-added products and services, we have been make great efforts to build up our core competence, including excellent research and development ability, systematic project management ability, and perfect an 公司的目标是为我们有价值的客户提供增值的产品和服务,因此我们着力打造我们的核心竞争力,即:出色的研发能力,系统的项目管理能力,完善、快速反应的供应链体系,推崇客户至上的理念,努力成为一个客户首选的连接系统解决方案的供应商。
Aiming at stress analysis of dip angle fully mechanized top-coal caving support in mining, from the technique of designing and mining, put forward technique measurements: reduce gap of support beam; increase the inter-frame jack in neighboring support bea 针对大倾角放顶煤支架在开采过程中的受力情况,提出了防止液压支架倾倒的技术措施是:①减少支架顶梁间隙;②在邻架顶梁间增设调架千斤顶。

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