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Shunning the society of others; not sociable.

Shun-Cheng Lee, 2001, 12, Economic Liberalization and Comparative Study on the Trade Competitive Structure Adjustment Policy in Taiwan and Germany, Bonn University, Bonn, Germany, December 10-15, 2001. 李顺成,2001,05,水旱田利用调整政策对台湾稻作生产经济效益影响之评估,第二届全国实证计量经济研讨会,国立中山大学。
Shunde has been committed to developing the private economic sector and growth of SMEs. 顺德充分发挥政策、地缘和人文优势,大力发展民营经济,培育中小企业。
Shunde's people are modest, honest, plain, introvert, and full of exploratory and innovative spirit. 顺德人,谦厚、平实、内敛、诚信,富有探索、创新的精神。
Shunde's people are really great gastronomes. They are good at cooking mediocre homely materials into high-class delicacies, and they know the true meaning of gastronomy. 顺德人的确“食不厌精”,善于把普普通通的家常材料,精工细作,炮制成妙不可言的美味佳肴,颇谙美食之道的真谛。
Shunkang hardware factory having producted stainess steel for ten years.quality first prestige first-classis our principle all long.We are spacializing in producing side double-decked welds teh bowl.the double-decked heat insulation bowl,the single-layer 顺康五金厂是一家有着近十年生产历史的不锈钢制品企业,以”质量第一,信誉一流“的发展宗旨,制作专业的产品:双层焊边碗、双层隔热碗、双层高脚碗、单层碗、汤盆、调料缸、面盆、琴音壶系列等产品。
Shunning the society of others; not sociable. 厌恶社交的避免与别人交往的;不爱社交的
Shunt Trip Shunt trip is a feature added to a circuit breaker or fusible switch to permit the remote opening of the breaker or switch by an electrical signal. 分励脱扣分励脱扣是线路断路器或可熔电闸的一个特性,可通过远程信号来进行分断或转换。
Shunting while travelling at full speed is also a risk. 在全速行驶时做躲闪也是有风险的。
Shunxia Bio-Tech Co., Ltd is an extract manufacturer in China, specialized in apple polyphenol and propolis extract, apple P.E is a new type of powerful antioxidant, can be used in beverages, toothpaste, chutty, cookies and cosmetic etc . 上海舜夏生物科技有限公司是生产经营天然提取物的专业性公司,主要产品为多种规格的天然抗氧化剂苹果多酚及蜂胶萃取物。
ShuoWei Industry Ltd. is a joint-stock products to produce injection Limited Company located in beautiful scenery and rich natural resources, the state-level city-Puyang, in HeNan province,the city in central China, conveniently near the highway is the be 河南省濮阳市朔威工贸有限公司是一家以生产注塑产品为主的股份制有限公司总公司坐落于风景秀丽,物产富饶的国家级卫生城市—濮阳,地处中原,交通方便,临近高速公路是运输的最佳通道。
Shush. Listen! Do you hear the knocking? Throw the bolt! Open the door! Angels never say hello. Their greeting is always Arise and go forth! 嘘,听到敲门声了吗?快,丢掉插销,打开门,记住天使永远不会说“你好”,他们的问候总是“站起来,向前冲”!

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