Yu Yuk Tung(Quangzhou) : Painter, performance artist, participated in contemporary art festivals in Quangzhou (including Quangzhou Sharpness) and Quangxi and Korea.
喻旭东(广州):画家、行为艺术家、会参与广州、广西及韩国当代艺术展。 |
Yu Zhou, Yanqing He, and Chengqing Zong , The CASIA Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation System for IWSLT 2007. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), October 15-16, 2007, Trento, Italy.
周可艳,宗成庆,汉英统计翻译系统中未登录词的处理方法,见:孙茂松、陈群秀主编,内容计算的研究与应用前沿(第九届全国计算语言学学术会议论文集),北京:清华大学出版社,第356-361页。 |
Yu hua has reposed his optimistic imagination about the human nature on the three masculine leading characters.
《活着》、《许三观卖血记》和《兄弟》讲述的就是苦难中的温情和温情地受难。 |
Yu ordered to cast 9 ding (an ancient cooking vessel with two loop handles and three or four legs ).
到商代,青铜器盛行,无论在铸造技术或造型技术上都有很大的发展,它标志着中国一个历史时期——青铜时代。 |
Yu pauses to feel the arrow in her hand, standing in the empty courtyard.
俞秀莲站在空空的庭院里,手里拿着短箭若有所思。 |
Yu slowly gets the upper hand in her fight with the thief.
搏斗中,俞秀莲慢慢占据了上风。 |
Yu zeng-liang, Study on the Driver Critical Reaction Capability upon Simulative Environment, Master paper, Jilin University, 2005.
于增亮,基于仿真环境驾驶员临界反应能力的研究,吉林大学硕士论文,2005。 |
Yu, using his command of English, straddles the line - not out of loyalty or disenchantment, but to simply survive and return home to the warmth of his fiancee's arms and to fulfill his filial duty towards his mother.
俞元,利用了自己懂英语这一点,投靠了左派——这么做并不是出于什么忠心或者觉醒,他只是想活下去,有朝一日可以回到家乡,投入未婚妻温暖的怀抱,对母亲尽尽孝道。 |
Yu-Chien Ko and Rey-Long Liu, 1999, Virtual Employee Management through the Internet,Proc. of APEC Human Resource Management Symposium on SMEs, Taiwan.
柯宇谦、刘瑞珑,1999,网际网路虚拟人力资源开发与招募,跨世纪海峡两岸永续企业经营研讨会论文集,屏东,台湾. |
Yu-Chung Lee, Hsiao-Lin Teng, Wei-Jaw Deng, “A complementary methodology to probabilistic approach to measure banking service quality,” APIEM2005, , (2005).
邓肖琳,「大专院校全球化导入程度之相关性探讨」,2005管理方法与应用新思维国际研讨会,长庚大学,桃园,第-页(2005)。 |
Yu-Jen Wu, 1999. The Contemporary Context of Taiwanese Industrial Relations: The Legacies of an Authoritarian Regime. Labour, Capital and Society , 32(1): 6-33.
吴育仁,2000,劳动关系新思维:英国第三条路的政治经济哲学。理论与政策,14卷4期,页91-112。 |