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The two friends sat in a corner and chatted away about their vacation plan.

The two forms of PER3 translate into two slightly different proteins, one of which is longer than the other. 由这两种PER3转译而成的两种蛋白差异微小,只是其中一种蛋白较长。
The two formulas are nearly the same for nearby galaxies but diverge for distant galaxies. 对邻近的星系来说,两个方程式给出的结果几乎是一样的,可是对于遥远星系就大不相同了。
The two friends gave presents to each other on their birthdays. 两个朋友在生日时互赠礼物。
The two friends have at last made up after the slight misunderstanding. 在这小小的误会之后,两个朋友已经和好如初。
The two friends palavered about what they were going to do later. 这两个朋友罗哩八嗦谈著等会要去做什麽。
The two friends sat in a corner and chatted away about their vacation plan. 两个朋友坐在角落里闲聊假期安排。
The two friends vowed to stick by one another no matter what happened. 两位朋友发誓不管发生什么事,都要忠实于对方。
The two front jacks operate as a pair, and self-equalize when extended or retracted. 前面的两个千斤顶伸出或缩回是成对操作的,并可以进行自平衡。
The two fundamental concepts are permissions and principals. 许可和主体是两个基本的概念。
The two galleries will be open to the public next month. 翻译:这两个画廊将在下个月对公众开放。
The two games in October against the reigning European champions were naturally the first he was asked to comment upon. 他首先被要求评论一下关于在10月与欧洲冠军的两次对话.

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