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In order to make the strategy policy of business sustainable development, according to the principle of SWOT matrix, a strategy policy chart of business completing ability and level of the sustainable development is created.

In order to make the products that our company produces can be used by more persons, let more persons enjoy the beauty life when the new and high technology bring, every domestic and international great distributor, agent of our company join and sell, ope 为了使本公司所生产的产品能够被更多的人使用,让更多的人享受到高新技术带来的美丽人生,本公司国内外各大经销商、代理商加盟经销,共同开拓更广阔的市场空间。
In order to make the recipes flow better, they will be all guided by the creation of a simple message board. 为了使各章节衔接更好,将通过创建一个简单的留言薄示例来进行引导。
In order to make the retailer's pricing decision reflect the quality fluctuation of perishable foods, the bundling selling model based on the shelf life for perishable foods was established by taking pasteurized milk as illustration after effectively part 摘要为了使零售商的价格决策能反映易腐食品的质量波动,在分析微生物预测模型及有效划分市场消费群的基础上,以巴氏奶为例建立了基于货架期的易腐食品捆绑销售模型。
In order to make the roller arrive at ideal impact, that's very important in conservative keeping and operation guide. 为使用陶瓷辊棒能达到理想的使用效果,合理的保管和使用方法是非常重要的。
In order to make the small-scale farming mingle with macro-market, ease high tension between laboring population and acreage of farming land per capita, lead farmers to participate in intensive faming integration, and resolve the contradiction between mic 文章提出:在目前政府实行一系列惠农、利农政策的有利形势下,农业完全可以适时提出集约化规模经营;政府需要特别关注的是农地承包经营权方面的法律体系建设,加快农村土地承包经营权转让的市场建设,加大农村富余劳动力的培养力度,真正实现农民自觉参与农业集约化规模经营中来,彻底解决当前小农户、大市场的矛盾。
In order to make the strategy policy of business sustainable development, according to the principle of SWOT matrix, a strategy policy chart of business completing ability and level of the sustainable development is created. 摘要为了制定企业可持续发展的战略决策,基于SWOT矩阵,创建了企业竞争力与可持续发展度战略决策图。
In order to make the system more user-friendly for non-expert users, a new Plug and Play system will be developed. 为向非专业用户提供更友好的界面,本医疗系统将采用即插即用技术。
In order to make themselves and their homes less inviting to these wayward spirits, the ancient Celts would douse all their fires. 为了让他们自己和他们的家不要收到这些任性的鬼魂的骚扰,古老的凯尔特人弄熄他们所有的火。
In order to make up for a deficiency in theory research of SNS, grounded on analysis and generalization of SNS's mechanism, this paper brings forward a new information normal based on CAS(complex adaptive system), as well as interprets the significance of 为弥补社会性软件理论研究的欠缺,该文在对社会性软件的特征机制进行概括分析和论证的基础上,提出一个基于复杂适应性系统理论的信息系统范式,对社会性软件在信息革命中的作用和意义进行了解释。
In order to make your opinions known to a wider audience, you may gravitate toward journalism, teaching or politics. 为了令你的意见能让更多的听众知道,你或许会被吸引到新闻工作,教育工作,或是政治方面。
In order to manage it, an actuary must be acquainted with the operation process, the management history, the macro-economy, and the political and legal environment of an enterprise. 为做到这点,精算师必须懂得企业的营运过程、经营历史、宏观经济、政治和法律的环境。

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