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After its marital duties, Tiro -- whose value was put at some 215,000 dollars -- would be upgraded to perform various other functions, according to Hanool officials.

After its angles have been beveled, guaranteeing a neat fit with the case, the sapphire crystal is chemically polished on both sides. 对镜面边缘进行斜削,以确保其与表壳的精确配合,再将两面进行化学抛光。
After its attack, major clinical symptoms include recurrent headaches, vomiting, higher blood pressure, and cognitive disorders accompanied by hemiplegia. 临床表现常见有发病后反复头痛、呕吐、血压升高、意识障碍伴有偏瘫等。
After its completuon, the profit is estimated to reach 59 million yuan, tax payment 34 millionyuan, and sales income 270 million yuan and over 300 posts. 该项目完成后,预计利润5900万元,上缴税金3400万元,销售收入27000万元,就业岗位300人。
After its election victory, the party was on the crest of a wave. 该党在选举获胜後如日中天.
After its foundation the British Museum received several gifts, including ancient relics and antiquities. 大英博物馆建馆之后,收到了几个礼物,包括上古物品和文物。
After its marital duties, Tiro -- whose value was put at some 215,000 dollars -- would be upgraded to perform various other functions, according to Hanool officials. 据公司有关官员介绍,泰罗的身价约为21万5千美元,它做完婚礼司仪后将被升级改造,用作他途。
After its reunification with the mainland, Taiwan may keep its existing social system unchanged and enjoy a high degree of autonomy. 两岸统一后,台湾可以保持原有的社会制度不变,高度自治。
After its troubles selling milk powder, Nests spent a lot on damage control to its reputation; but it never stopped selling the powder. 雀巢自其奶粉销售受挫后,重金投资于防制形象受损的工作,不过仍未停止销售奶粉。
After joining the WTO, as the market has been gradually standardized and mature, hybrid rice seed industry will face a new round of restructuring and integration, the degree of industrial concentration will be continually improved. 摘要加入WTO后,随着市场逐渐规范化和成熟化,杂交水稻种子行业面临新一轮的重组和整合,产业集中度将不断提高。
After just an hour the clouds returned and stayed put the rest of the day. 仅仅一个小时之后,云朵又聚集起来,整天都不愿散去。
After just singing one line from a song, ZZ shocked and delighted everyone with his voice. 到了舞会快结束的时候,他已经成了公认的中国歌星和舞星。

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