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Alcohol stimulates the action of the heart.

Alcohol may also disrupt the body‘s ability to repair DNA that has been damaged by the carcinogens. 酒或许也扰乱了身体修复被致癌物破坏的基因的能力。
Alcohol may be a medical disinfectant,but should not be relied upon to sterilize water. 酒精可能是医学上的消毒剂,但决不可用来消毒饮用水。
Alcohol may not be consumed on the premises. (指公债和股票)超过正常或市面的价值;溢价。
Alcohol never drowns sorrows; it irrigates them. 酒精不会淹没我们的忧伤,只会增添忧伤而已。
Alcohol powder, classified as a flavoring, was sold in the United States three years ago. 酒精粉,被作为一种调味剂,三年前美国就有销售。
Alcohol stimulates the action of the heart. 酒刺激心脏的活动。
Alcohol use is a major risk factor in traumas but it may also help to protect people from brain injury, a Canadian study suggests. 加拿大的一项研究表明,饮酒是产生创伤的一个主要的危险因素,但是它也可以保护人们的大脑免受伤害。
Alcohol washed soybean protein (ASP) was modified by different treatment. 摘要通过不同的处理方法对醇变性大豆蛋白(ASP)进行改性。
Alcohol will make you feel kind of goofy and uninhibited. 酒精会使你变得愚蠢而且显得毫不受拘束。
Alcohol, the most common cause, is a hepatotoxin that interferes with mitochondrial and microsomal function in hepatocytes, leading to an accumulation of lipid. 乙醇是最常见的病因,作为肝毒素能阻碍肝细胞内的线粒体和微粒体的功能,导致脂质沉集。
Alcohol-based skin disinfectants could be used if there is no obvious organic material contamination. 含酒精的皮肤消毒剂可以在无明显有机物质污染时使用。

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