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Salmon are anadromous.

Sally: Would you quit 5)nagging me, please? Let`s just get a cheeseburger. 莎莉:拜托,你可不可以不要再唠叨了?咱们就去吃个起司汉堡吧。
Sally: Wow, we`re ordering a lot of food. We`ve even got some noodles. 莎莉:哇,我们点了一大堆食物。甚至还点了些面。
Salma Hayek has been named Hollywood's Sexiest Celebrity. 塞尔玛·海耶克获封“好莱坞最性感名人”。
Salma the father of Bethlehem, Hareph the father of Bethgader. 51伯利恒之祖萨玛,伯迦得之祖哈勒。
Salmon and caviar: This is the perfect Christmas starter, perhaps washed down with a glass of champagne. 三文鱼和鱼子酱:这是最佳的圣诞大餐开胃品,也许要消耗掉整整一瓶香槟酒。
Salmon are anadromous. 鲑是由海移栖淡水河产卵的。
Salmon fishing, traditional to Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest (particularly the Chinook) still remains an Oregon industry. 钓鮭鱼为西北部太平洋地区(尤其是在奇诺克地区)的美国原住民的传统生活方式,而现在依旧是奥勒冈州的工业之一。
Salmon is very colourful and fresh; Also it contains plenty of iron and vitamin E. 三文鱼色泽可人,以较亮泽的为佳;而且含铁极多更有丰富维他命E。
Saln:How are your typing and shorthand skills? 山姆:你打字和速记的技术如何?
Salomon Kalou recently admitted that he needs to be more clinical in front of goal and it would appear that he did get any shooting boots in his Christmas stocking as, after slaloming his way into the box, he blazed high over the bar. 卡劳最近承认自己在面对进球是必须更加冷静,他看上去好象没有从圣诞长袜里得到射门靴,在精彩的突入禁区后,他的射门高出横梁。
Salomon Kalou's international future as an Ivory Coast player has been confirmed formally with his selection in the squad to face Senegal in a friendly next Wednesday. 随着入选了下周三对塞内加尔友谊赛的国家队名单,卡卢作为象牙海岸队员开始国家队生涯已经正式确定。

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