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After my colleagues and I had worked out in a general way how the observed set of xenon isotopes was created inside the aluminum phosphate grains, we attempted to model the process mathematically.

After multiple logistic regression analysis, length of stay in nursery less than 72 hours, exclusive breast feeding and higher bilirubin level at discharge from nursery were the significant risk factors for neonatal readmission. 然而,这些因子互有相关,再作逻辑迴归分析之后显示,在婴儿室住院小于72小时、纯母乳哺育及从婴儿室出院时有较高之黄疸值为新生儿二周内再度入院之危险因子。
After my 90-minute sleep break, the experience represented nothing more than a bizarre hallucination, which I recounted to ABC's Wide World of Sports television crew filming the race. 在90分钟的小睡之后,当美国广播公司(ABC)的节目「运动的宽广世界」前来拍摄比赛时,我说那个经验什麽都不是,仅仅是古怪的幻觉而已。
After my adventures on Oahu, I head to another one of Hawaii's six main islands. 结束欧胡岛的探险后,我来到另一座岛屿,它是夏威夷六座主要岛屿中的其中之一。
After my bungee jump I was buzzing for a week! 我蹦极以后兴奋了一星期!
After my collage piece spring, summeris completed. 继我的拼贴作品春天之后,夏天也诞生了。
After my colleagues and I had worked out in a general way how the observed set of xenon isotopes was created inside the aluminum phosphate grains, we attempted to model the process mathematically. 在想通了观察到的氙同位素大致如何在磷酸铝颗粒中生成之后,我和同事就试图用数学模式来仿真这个过程。
After my discharge from the army I went into business. 我从陆军腿退役后便进入上界商界。
After my eyes became used to the dim light in the cave, I saw an old shovel on the ground. 当我的眼睛适应了洞里暗淡的光线后,我看见地上有一把旧铲子。
After my lecture, the chairman compared notes with the president in a low voice. 我发言后, 董事长和总经理低声交换意见。
After my next class I'm going back to my room to catch upon my sleep. 这个人说:上完下一节课我就要回房间去睡觉。
After my second child was born my breasts looked like they had been run over by a tractor. 在我第二个小孩出生后我的胸部看起来象是被一个卡车压过那样扁平。

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