You put up a fence by making me login to comment. I have too many passwords already and I don't know you well enough to add one to my list.
你设下一道围墙,非让我登录才能评论。我的用户名和密码已经够多了,而你还让我再加一个。 |
You put your face up like that to say goodnight and then his mother put her face down.
你仰起脸孔像是道晚安,然后他的母亲低下她的脸庞。 |
You put your pants on backwards.
你把裤子穿反了。 |
You put your used toilet paper in the trash can?
你把你用过的厕纸丢垃圾桶里了?现在我明白了。(这家伙什么意思?) |
You quarrel with me in this Festival Holiday! Go to hell!
大过年的,你来找我吵架!去死吧! |
You question should be exacter! there are many systems about the core journals.
目前中文核心期刊是2004版,具体请见附件。 |
You quickly forget about that beautiful guy you kept locking eyes with in the cappuccino line.
你很快忘了买咖啡排队时让你痴痴凝望的漂亮的男人。 |
You quickly get up from this seat and go back to Black Zone!
快给我让座然后回到你的黑人区去!” |
You quickly worked your way from a helpless infant into a capable and knowledgeable young person.
你从一个无助的婴儿迅速成长为一个能干的,知识渊博的年轻人。 |
You r Queen of pop!!! love ya!!
加油,我很喜欢你的...我觉得你跳舞很棒!! |
You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains.
你举起了我,所以我能站在群山顶端. |