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B: Don't jump to conclusions. I just said I wanted a change.

B: Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Your parents might not let you. 别高兴得太早,你的父母可能不会让你去。
B: Don't do that. I'll be quiet. 不要这样嘛,我会安静的。
B: Don't get me wrong. What I do is for your own good. 别误会我。我所做的一切都是为了你好。
B: Don't give up. Try again later. (别灰心。以后再试试看。)
B: Don't jump to conclusions. I just need some time to myself. 别骤下结论。我只是需要一点自己的时间。
B: Don't jump to conclusions. I just said I wanted a change. 别那么快下结论.我只是说我想做些改变.
B: Don't jump to conclusions. You should at least skim through it. 不要急于下结论。你至少应该浏览一下。
B: Don't lose heart. I know your boss quite well, and there are wheels within wheels. 别灰心。我很了解你的老板,一定有些错综复杂的原因。
B: Don't mention it. I hope you can come again soon. 不客气。我希望你很快再来。
B: Don't mention it. It's the least I can do for a friend. By the way, you can do me a favor in return. 不客气,这是我为朋友起码可以做到的,顺便一提,你能帮我个忙作为回报吗?
B: Don't mention it.Piece of cake. 哪儿的话。小事一桩罢了。

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