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Our study provides evidence that the loss of great sharks triggers changes that cascade throughout coastal food webs,said Baum.

Our reconstituted tooth germ generates a complete and entirely bioengineered tooth,they wrote. 他们认为“我们的再造牙胚能形成一个完整生物工程牙。”
Our results indicate that a modest but chronic reduction of just one hour of sleep nightly in early childhood can affect the child's cognitive performance at school entry,says Dominique Petit, a sleep researcher and coauthor of the study. 睡眠研究专家、该研究报告的撰写者之一多明尼克?派提特说:“我们的研究结果表明,在幼童时期,每晚的睡眠时间哪怕只减少一个小时,长时间持续这种状况都会影响孩子上学时的认知表现。”
Our results raise the possibility that a biosphere could have arisen on Earth 400 million years earlier than is now thought,Harrison said. But it's not a smoking gun. 我们的结果提高了生物圈比我们现在想象的更早的4亿年出现在地球上的可能性,哈里森说。但它不是一只烟枪。
Our results suggest that climate change could be increasing the severity of disease in the ocean leading to a decline in the health of marine ecosystems and the loss of the resources and services humans derive from them,the researchers said. 「我们的研究显示,气候变迁可能使得海洋中的珊瑚病情加重,导致海洋生态衰退、人类可用的资源也因而减少。」
Our stance has been with [Health Canada] that we want to encourage more home products to be more retardant to fire … and mattresses are certainly one of them,he said. 他说:我们和加拿大卫生部的态度是:鼓励更多的耐火产品,床垫当然是其中之一。
Our study provides evidence that the loss of great sharks triggers changes that cascade throughout coastal food webs,said Baum. 波姆表示:「我们的研究证明,大型鲨鱼的减少,已对海岸地区的食物链造成一连串的影响。」
Our team will make contact with other teams who have watched Yi's training and games to see if there is any possibility of a trade. 我们将与其它看过易建联训练和比赛的球队联系,看看能否进行交易。
Our two previous games were conditioned by our precarious physical conditions, now we're more competitive. “之前的两场比赛受到了我们不稳定的体能因素的影响,而现在的我们更具竞争力。
Our working hypothesis has been that napping may have stress-releasing properties,he says. 他说:“我们的工作假说是,午睡有缓解压力的作用。”
Out of his mouth go burning torches; Sparks of fire leap forth. 伯41:19从他口中发出烧著的火把、与飞迸的火星。
Out of his nostrils smoke goes forth As from a boiling pot and burning rushes. 伯41:20从他鼻孔冒出烟来、如烧开的锅、和点著的芦苇。

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