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It is not a disability, but most things are so tailored to the right hand.

It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three pecks of flour until it was all leavened. 路13:21好比面酵、有妇人拿来藏在三斗面里、直等全团都发起来。
It is more difficult to play away than at home and in Europe you face different cultures of football. “打客场比打主场要艰难许多,而且在欧洲赛场上,你所要面对的是不同的足球文化。”
It is my personal opinion that the main goal of the Russian army is to prevent a war similar to the one that our ancestors lived through, because, God forbid, if we allow this war to happen, it will be much worse than the previous one,Army General Yury Ba 莫斯科红场纪念卫国战争“胜利日”的阅兵式后,俄陆军一名将军告诉媒体称,“我个人认为,俄军的主要目标是阻止一场类似于我们先辈们曾经历过的战争,因为放任其发生的话,后果会严重的多。”
It is my sincere wish that these goats be sent to Buddhist temples to live out their natural life spans. 我真心希望,这些羊能被送到佛教寺院里,在那里颐养天年。
It is nobody I know,he said, examining it carefully, but it does look a scoundrel. “这不是我认识的人,”他说,仔细端详那个影子,“不过他看起来的确像个坏人。”
It is not a disability, but most things are so tailored to the right hand. 米尔逊说:“这(左撇子)并不是一种残疾,但绝大多数的东西都是为‘右撇子’度身定造的。
It is not comfortable at the moment,admits Ruijssenaars, adding it needs cushions and bedclothes before use. “现在躺上去不会感到舒服,”鲁基森纳斯指出,在使用浮床前还需要放上床垫和被褥。
It is not like what appears to be happening with William Gallas - no ghost clubs or ghost offers. Everything is very clear. 加拉的情况是――现在没有任何的情况――没有俱乐部表示兴趣和提出报价。
It is not my predilection to go beating a dead horse... but I have little pity for a cannibal. 「我没兴趣对死人出手...但是我也不会同情吃人的家伙。」
It is not my way to talk about other players but we all know that he is a great player. “谈论那些地球人都认同的伟大球员并不是我的风格。”
It is not over because mathematically there is a chance and when the chance is there, we have to believe and chase the opportunity you have. “这还没有结束,我们还有机会,我们要相信自己并且抓住我们为数不多的机会。”

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