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It can land on a ploughed field.

It can improve the quality of the annealing process and diagnose some failures. 该模型对改善玻璃退火窑运行质量,预测玻璃成型性能具有积极的意义。
It can improve your health and give you a complete relaxation after an exhausted working day. 它能使您在一天疲劳的工作后得到彻底的放松。
It can indicate deep-rooted - or sometimes groundless - fears or anxieties, or a resistance to pursuing objectives when the going gets tough. 它也可以显示出根深蒂固--或有时是毫无根据的--恐惧或焦虑,或当事情变得艰辛时,抗拒追求目标。
It can infiltrate as much as 100 kilometers into enemy territory at night. 可以在夜间深入敌领土100千米。
It can keep the goods tidiness when you go out or travel. 外出或旅行时能让携带的物品保持整洁。
It can land on a ploughed field. 它可以在耕过的田里降落。
It can lead to serious health problems such as high blood pressure. 它可能导致严重的健康问题,例如高血压。
It can lead to some problem. 这会导致出现几种问题。
It can live up to 70 years. But to reach this age, the eagle must make a hard decision in its' 40's. 它一生的年龄可达70岁。要活那么长的寿命,它在40岁时必须做出困难却重要的决定。
It can maintain the nutrition of food to an extreme extent. 微波加工具有时间短、效率高、安全性好的特点,且食品的营养损失小。
It can maintenance and extend life without carbon brush and gear wheel. 无须碳刷和齿轮,减少维护和大大延长生命。

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