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Nearly all organs for transplant are harvested from executed prisoners.

Nearly all major browsers have support for XML and XSLT. 几乎所有专业浏览器都支持XML和XSLT。
Nearly all of the surviving ancient Greek and Roman statues are made of marble. 几乎所有保存至今的古希腊和古罗马雕像都是由大理石雕刻的。
Nearly all of them hold their own financially and many of them are very profitable. 差不多所有的地方报纸财政上都能独立维持,而且其中许多家还赚大钱。
Nearly all of them speak passably. 他们差不多所有的人都讲得还不错。
Nearly all of these troops were scattered at indecisive places throughout China, with no chance of massing them effectively for a military defense of Nanking. 这些部队几乎全都分散在全国各地,没有可能集中起来为南京组织有效的军事防御。
Nearly all organs for transplant are harvested from executed prisoners. 几乎所有用作移植的器官都是从死囚身上取得。
Nearly all the sports practised nowadays are competitive. 现在开展的体育运动几乎都是竞争性的。
Nearly all the tractors operate on diesel oil. 几乎所有的拖拉机都用柴油开动。
Nearly all viruses can be held in check by basic hygiene and a healthful lifestyle. 几乎所有的病毒都可以利用基本的卫生和健康的生活方式来防堵。
Nearly as appealing are his attacks on the “elite”—the close-knit political class. 他对国家的“精英”——组织紧密地政党阶级的攻击也是非常引人注目的。
Nearly desperate to ward off suicide bombers, Israel is thinking about building a security fence to wall out Palestinians. “It's not very difficult to construct,“ former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared recently. 最近,以色列政府为了防止自杀性爆炸的再度发生,正在筹划建造一座安全墙以隔离开巴勒斯坦人.”建造一座这样的壁垒并不困难”,以色列前任总理内塔尼亚胡近日宣称.

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