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And desire not to devour all things which you see around you.

And delivered his strength into captivity, and his glory into the enemy's hand. 诗78:61又将他的约柜〔原文作能力〕交与人掳去、将他的荣耀交在敌人手中。
And demand will probably take a knock at the start of next year, when Germany raises VAT and Italy increases income tax. 而明年初可能促进需求,届时德国将提升VAT,意大利将提升收入税。
And demodectic acne rosacea, demodectic blepharitis, demodectic pruritus in external auditory meatus and demodectic papillitis are the common demodicidosis. 蠕形螨病好发部位多见于鼻、睑缘、外耳道,面部皮肤等。
And deregulation has swept away restrictions that once prevented banks from extending their branch networks across state boundaries (even, in some states, within them). 而且,管制得以解除,过去禁止银行跨越州界进行网点扩张(有些州甚至禁止州内扩张)的限制已经一扫而光。
And designing an ISOS also presents a number of obstacles. 而且,设计一套ISOS也会遇上一大堆障碍。
And desire not to devour all things which you see around you. 不要想着把你周边的东西都狼吞虎咽掉。
And desired favour against him, that he would send for him to Jerusalem, laying wait in the way to kill him. 3又央告他,求他的情,将保罗提到耶路撒冷来。他们要在路上埋伏杀害他。
And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem. 2求文书给大马士革的各会堂,若是找着信奉这道的人,无论男女,都准他捆绑带到耶路撒冷。
And despite China's much-publicized problems with contaminated seafood –including a temporary ban late last month on imports of five species of farm-raised seafood from China—federal inspectors refused produce from the Dominican Reoublic and candy from De 并且,尽管中国的海产品被公认为有污染,包括上个月颁布的一项禁止进口中国人工养殖的5种海产品的禁令在内,被美国的检验员拒绝的来自多米尼加共和国的农产品和来自丹麦的糖果要更多。
And despite a shaky start, the affection between the new arrival and mum Kelly is there for all to see. 尽管小鹿还在瑟瑟发抖,但新生儿和鹿妈妈凯利之间的爱抚却很亲昵。
And despite bulky insulation, evaporation through seals robs these systems every day of about 5 percent of the total stored hydrogen. 且尽管这些系统具有厚重的绝热措施,每日从封口蒸发而损耗的氢气量,约为总存量的5%。

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