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Yang Ying: Yes. The bus doesn't go to the port. We have to get off halfway and take a side-car.

Yang Ying is one of the student guides from Sanya No.1 Middle School. On Saturday evening, she calls Mrs. Brown. 杨英是三亚市一中的一位学生。星期六晚上,她给布朗太太大电话。
Yang Ying reaches the hotel at eight. She rings the doorbell of Room 3405. 杨英八点来到宾馆。她在按3405房的门铃。
Yang Ying: Good morning, Mrs. Brown. 杨英:早上好!布朗太太。
Yang Ying: It depends on you. 杨英:这要根据情况来定。
Yang Ying: The ferry leaves every 10 minutes. 杨英:每10分钟有一斑渡船。
Yang Ying: Yes. The bus doesn't go to the port. We have to get off halfway and take a side-car. 杨英:是的,公共汽车不直接到码头,我们要中途下车换乘三轮摩托。
Yang Ying: Yes. We'll go to Jie Fang Road and from there we take a bus to the port. It is near the End of the Earth. 杨英:是的。我们先到解放路,然后从那里乘公共汽车到码头。码头离天涯海角不远。
Yang Yunfei(Editor). 2000. Ecology. China High Education Press &Springer, Beijing. 杨允菲(编者).2000.生态学.高等教育出版社,北京.
Yang Zhen-ning issued a lot of penetrating and correct judgements to the educational problems too. 摘要杨振宁是世界上著名的华裔科学家,也是先后接受中国传统教育和美国教育并最终成为物理大师的人物。
Yang Zi asked, Why do you send so many people out just for one lost sheep? 杨子问:“丢了一只羊,为什么要找这么多的人去追呢?”
Yang echoed Putin's views, saying the Sino-Russian strategic partnership of cooperation has improved greatly in recent years. 杨洁篪回应普京的观点,说近些年俄罗斯的战略合作伙伴正在逐步增加提高。

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