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When the GOOD SUFFIX shift table is constructed from the characters in a pattern that has repeated sequences, the repeat character values are overwritten at the same position in the table so you do not have an incremental decrementing of the values for ea

When the Emperor was reborn a second time, he found his force scattered. 当皇帝第二次重生时,他发现当年他的武力如今已经四散分离。
When the Endangered Species Act was signed in 1973, it was expected to protect charismatic fauna such as the bald eagle and Yellowstone's grizzly bears. 1973年当美国《濒危物种法》生效时,其初始目的是保护一批引人注目的动物,如白头鹰和黄石公园的北美灰熊。
When the FIFO is not empty and does not receive data during 3 word time, the Rx interrupt will be generated(receive time out). 现在发现如果我的一包数据正好满足2个条件那么怎么处理?程序怎么知道不是超时产生的中断?
When the Fed cut its discount rate on August 17th, it admitted for the first time that the credit crunch could hurt the economy. 当8月17号贴现率下调,联储第一次确认信贷紧缩有可能危及美国经济。
When the French Revolution led to massive bloodshed as a result of mob violence, their fears were vindicated. 当法国革命导致了民众暴动的血腥大屠杀时,证明了美国制宪者当初的惧怕是正确的。
When the GOOD SUFFIX shift table is constructed from the characters in a pattern that has repeated sequences, the repeat character values are overwritten at the same position in the table so you do not have an incremental decrementing of the values for ea 当“完美字符”移动表格是由有重复序列的字符串建造时,重复的字符在表中同样的位置被覆盖,所以不需要对每一个位置的值递增。
When the Golden State Warriors began casting their spell on the Mavs Howard was the only one who wasn't buying. 当勇士队把魔咒撒向牛群的时候,霍华德是唯一一个不吃这套的小牛。
When the Great Depression hit in 1930, many Rotarians faced the greatest challenge of their lives. 1930年发生经济大萧条时,许多扶轮社员面临一生中最严峻的挑战。
When the Hong Kong special-effects company teamed up with Golden Harvest, Hong Kongs largest film studio (of Bruce Lee fame), to produce The StormRiders, it was literally the calm before the storm. 当这间香港特技制作公司与嘉禾公司(香港最大的电影制作公司)合力制作《风云》时,这就是所谓的暴风雨前的平静了。
When the Horde attacked humanity in the Second War, the high elves had little interest in the conflict, but they felt duty-bound to lend the Alliance of Lordaeron their support. 第二次大战中,+第二次大战前期,高等精灵对插手战事毫无兴趣,但是出于道义,他们还是得对洛丹伦联盟提供支援。
When the Hubble Space Telescope was pointed at the supernova remnant in 1994, however, the existence of curious rings was confirmed. 1994年,哈伯太空望远镜为这个超新星遗骸拍摄了一系列照片,确认了这些奇特环状结构的存在。

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