Certainly, I hope the goddess foreverall in.
当然,我希望女神永远都在啊。 |
Certainly, Martinez seemed to have the jargon down pat.
当然,马丁内兹说了不少术语。 |
Certainly, as far as the Central American countries are concerned, they will see that Taiwan has simply been making use of them in order to justify transitvisas to the US by its president.
肯定地,就中美洲国家而言,他们会观察到台湾只不过在利用他们来取得陈水扁“过境”美国的签证。 |
Certainly, brand is the most valuable assets of corporation, as it can stride over the time and space. There is always an enthusiastic client standing behind each successful advertising.
强劲的品牌因其固若磐石的宝贵资产,得以跨越时空历久弥坚,每个成功广告的背后,都站着一位热情洋溢的客户。 |
Certainly, heavy drinking and alcoholism deserve deep concern for the terrible toll they take on alcohol abusers and society in general.
当然,大量喝酒与酒精中毒值得高度重视,因为这对滥饮者与社会大众都是个沉重的负担。 |
Certainly, if the weather is fine.
如果天气好,当然可以。 |
Certainly, if these blocks were included in the simulation and their component tolerances included, the results would have been further degraded.
当然,如果这些模块的元件包含公差的话,结果会进一步降低。 |
Certainly, in this sixtieth anniversary year of the February 28, 1947, incident, such a realization is exceedingly important.
的确,在228事件届满六十周年的今年,这项体认具有非比寻常的重要性。 |
Certainly, it would be an easier promotion for Shanghai, Beijing or Hong Kong, however, most Asians have never heard of Zhengzhou.
当然,如果能够在上海、北京、香港这些地方举办比赛更好,因为很多健美运动员都没有听说过郑州这个城市。 |
Certainly, more and more new plastics will come forth before long.
当然,不久会有越来越多的塑料制品被生产出来。 |
Certainly, nursing homes have come a long way from the fire-trap warehouses they used to be.
当然,疗养院经历了很长时间才从最初的火警器材仓库发展到今天这中状况。 |