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Why,the key doesn't fit the lock!

Why, who SHOULD interfere with him?’ asked the Mole. “怎么,会有人打搅他吗?”鼹鼠问。
Why, why did I ever let you go? 所以,我为什么让你走以往?
Why, you can smell my desperation,right? 为什么?你能感觉出我的绝望,对吧?
Why, you’ve got a nape like a goodly gentleman! 为什么你有脖颈儿像一个睦邻君子!...
Why,Your Majesty?Because Queen Elizabeth is afraid of you. “您问为什么吗?陛下?那是因为伊丽莎白女王害怕您。”
Why,the key doesn't fit the lock! 哎呀,这把钥匙不是这把锁的!
Why... they are beautiful…ANTHONY?! What are you doing? 但是为什么…他们太美了…安东尼?!你准备做什么?
Why? Because it is of no use to do so. 为什么?因为这样做是无用的。
Why? Coz if you have a very good night sleep, you will feel fresh in the morning and you could not have hoped for a better outcome, I bet. 猜猜他是谁?对了,丹麦的安徒生,希望今晚,大家能在他那美好的童话世界中,睡个饱!
Why? I see nothing to worry about. 为什么?没有什么好担心的。
Why? One difficulty is to construct the agreements. 为什么呢?困难之一是起草这些协议。

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