Schein, Louisa. Mapping Hmong Media...In Media Worlds.
媒体地图...〉,摘自《媒体世界》。 |
Scheler's sociology of knowledge is, in a very eal sense, ancilla philoso-phi-ae, and of a very specific philosophy to boot.
值此,谢勒所谓的知识社会学就某种意义来说,只是哲学的附属品罢了。 |
Schematic diagram of the surface ocean currents around Australia. Ocean current map by Dr George Creswell.
看下面这个图也许可以了解一下澳洲附近的洋流。 |
Schematic diagram showing the relationship between the zero-point energy and molecular mass for hydrogen, deuterium and HD. (Image courtesy of MIT OCW.
示意图说明氢分子、氘分子、氢氘分子的零点能与分子量之关系(本图由麻省理工学院开放式课程网页提供)。 |
Schematic of the apparatus and proper experimental conditions were provided for the RFC technique.
给出了装置原理图和适当的实验条件。 |
Scheme 2: Party B arranging QC to check the quality at Party A's factory will be acceptable,then Party A will be no longer held responsible after the goods dispatched from Factory with quality inspection!
方案②乙方可以考虑安排QC人员在甲方工厂验货,验收合格后出厂我方不承担其它责任。 |
Scheme Comparison and safety assessment of earth and rockfill dams, tailing dams and soft foundation.
从事土石(尾矿)坝、软土地基工程专业领域的设计方案技术论证、安全评价。 |
Scheme the activity: MS club's technology department together with activity scheming department accomplish the whole concrete proceedings, time span plan and plan of when and where to have the related series technique lectures.
活动策划:由微软俱乐部技术部、活动策划部共同完成整个活动的具体事项,时间跨度安排,相关系列技术讲座的日程、地点、进度安排。 |
Schemes to advance posterity usually fail. Working for society today gains merits.
为儿孙作未来计,十望九空。为社会作众人谋,点滴有功。 |
Scheming: MS club's technology department together with activity scheming department accomplish the whole specific proceedings,such as time span, plan of when and where to have the related series technique lectures.
活动策划:由微软俱乐部技术部、活动策划部共同完成整个活动的具体事项,时间跨度安排,相关系列技术讲座的日程、地点、进度安排。 |
Schiavo has been in a persistent vegetative state since a sudden heart attack in 1990 which cut oxygen to her brain.
在这场官司中,根据法院的裁决,特里-夏沃的进食管曾先后2次被拔除,后又根据州议会紧急通过的法令而2次重新插上。 |