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If you want to get more information about different kinds of kaoliang liquors, you could leave a message or make a phone call, (03)3333131, to our company, we will serve you immediately.

If you want to get any essays out of that crowd of lazybones , they have to be kept after. 你要想让那些懒家伙写什么文章,就非得盯住他们不可。
If you want to get any essays out of that crowd of lazybones, they have to be kept after. 你要想让那些懒家伙写什么文章,就非得盯住他们不可。
If you want to get anything done, do it yourself and don't rely on others. 你若想成就任何事,就自己做,不要依靠别人。
If you want to get driving licence,you have to learn drive,learn traffic rules,and pass the driving exam. 要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试。
If you want to get driving licence,you need learn driving,traffic rules and pass the exam. 要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试。
If you want to get more information about different kinds of kaoliang liquors, you could leave a message or make a phone call, (03)3333131, to our company, we will serve you immediately. 如果想更进一步了解,高梁酒的种类及相关内容,请善加使用本公司网路留言板及电子信箱,或拨打客服专线(03)333-3131,将有专人为您服务。
If you want to get really serious, plan some photo time for early morning or late afternoon when the sun is low and the colors glow. 如果你想得到真正的好的东西,要计划好时间,选择早晨或是傍晚,当太阳将落,天边还有晚霞的时候。
If you want to get somewhere,you have to know where you want to go and how to get there .Then just never,never,never give up. 如果你想要去某个地方,那么你就一定要知道你要去哪里,如何去那儿,然后永远、永远、永远不要放弃。
If you want to get the order , you'll have to lower the price . 要是你想获得订单的话,你就不得不降低价格。
If you want to get the secret method of being couple, find the single snowman's hidden single diary in the freezing snowflakes and complete the secret method. 假如你想要得到拥有另一半的秘方,找到「宅男雪人」身上藏的单身日记并且完成这项秘方。
If you want to go anywhere else, let me know. 你要到别的地方去,就要告诉我。

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