A member of a House of Delegates, the lower house of the Maryland, Virginia, or West Virginia legislature. |
中文意思: 州议院议员马里兰州、弗吉尼亚州和西弗吉尼亚州三州国会议员中的众议院议员 |
A member of Congo's Parliament on Oct. 21.
10月21日,刚果国会一议员说道。 |
A member of England's Euro 2004 squad although an unused one, he was recently tried as a possible solution to his country's perennial left midfield problem.
在04年欧洲杯上,为了解决英格兰在左前卫位置上的问题,布里奇曾被尝试当作左前卫使用。 |
A member of a Baltic people constituting the main population of Latvia.
列托人构成拉脱维亚主要人口的波罗的海人的成员 |
A member of a Christian charismatic group or movement.
有神授超凡能力的人基督教派有神授能力的团体或运动的成员 |
A member of a Delaware people.
德拉瓦尔人中的一员 |
A member of a House of Delegates, the lower house of the Maryland, Virginia, or West Virginia legislature.
州议院议员马里兰州、弗吉尼亚州和西弗吉尼亚州三州国会议员中的众议院议员 |
A member of a Protestant church not observing the doctrines, usage, or polity of a national or established church, especially the Church of England.
不信奉国教的人新教教会的一个成员,他不遵从国家的或已建立的教会的教义、习惯做法或政体,尤指英国教会 |
A member of a South American Indian people of Paraguay, northern Argentina, and southern Brazil.
瓜拉尼人巴拉圭、阿根廷北部和巴西南部的南美洲印地安人 |
A member of a U.S. quick-strike brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division stationed at Fort Lewis, stands guard during annual joint field training exer-cise of South Korea and U.S., in Taegu, about 300 km southeast of Seoul March 20, 2005.
3月20日,在韩国首都汉城东南300公里的大丘,一名美国快速反应部队的士兵在参加一年一度的韩美联合军事演习。 |
A member of a Zulu people of southwest Zimbabwe.
恩德贝勒族人津巴布韦西南部组鲁族人中的一员 |
A member of a collection or set; a specimen.
成员,样本一群或一套中的一个;标本 |