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caseous necrosis (%), miliary tubercula ( %), cavities formation (%), and bronchogenic dispersion ( %).
粟粒结节占 %,空洞形成占%,支气管播散灶占 %。

cPCI Tackles Industrial Needs cPCI总线满足工业应用需求
cancer of lung,carcinoma of cervix and carcinoma of kidney,0.0%; carcinoma of stomach and oophoro cancer, . %; mammary cancer,cardiac gland cancer and cancer of colon,.0%. 耐药率依次为甲状腺癌(0 0 0 % ) >膀胱癌 (7 .0 % ) >食管癌 ( .0 % ) >肺癌、宫颈癌、肾癌 ( 0 .0 % ) >胃癌、卵巢癌 ( . % )>乳腺癌、贲门腺癌、结肠癌 ( .0 % )。
cannot confuse. 因此,泽兰与佩兰不能混淆使用。
careful disinfection,fixation of urethro catheter,preventive use of antibiotics,can avoid complications Result:0 cases show no relapse after sac dilation and internal frame implantation; 果 : 例患者中 , 0例球囊扩张后和 例放置支架后排尿正常 ,随访 ~ 个月无复发 ,例扩张后 ~ 个月又出现轻度排尿困难 ,经再次球囊扩张后排尿基本正常。
carotovora Dye, Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora Dye, E.
caseous necrosis (%), miliary tubercula ( %), cavities formation (%), and bronchogenic dispersion ( %). 粟粒结节占 %,空洞形成占%,支气管播散灶占 %。
caudisclerum Takaoka and Davies,99.However,it is clearly differentiated from them by the structure of gonapophyses,genital fork,genital plate,paraproct and cercus of the female,ventral plate and median sclerite of male. caudisclerum Takaokaand Davies,99相似,但是,生殖叉突、肛上板、生殖腹板、生殖叉骨、蛹呼吸丝的形状和足的颜色均有明显差异.
cccDNA of liver tissues which were digested were lower than that were undigested (0. 0[negative~.770] and 0. [negative~. 0];P=0.00); 肝组织中cccDNA用Plasmid-Safe~(TM) ATP-dependent DNase消化后的灰度值低于消化前的灰度值(0. 0[阴性~.770]和0.[阴性~. 0];P=0.00);
cccDNA was all negative. 各时相cccDNA检测始终阴性。
cdma000 proposed by America is compatible for narrowband CDMA network of nowaday ; 美国提出的cdma000可兼容目前的窄带CDMA网络;
ce amounts of nickle, Br-BTAMB reacts with nickle in the presence of Triton X-00 to form a : (Ni:L) stable blue complex. 在Triton X-00存在时,Br-BTAMB与镍反应生成: 的蓝色络合物。

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