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Now set your goals, they need to be SMART and you need to set both short term and long term goals.

Now see to your own house, O David. 大卫阿,顾你自己的家罢。
Now seismicity is relatively quiescent, and there occurs M(subscript S)6 earthquake possibly in the future. 目前该处地震活动处于相对平静状态,未来存在发生6级地震的潜在危险。
Now select a size for your brand new widget! 现在请为这个新聊窗设定尺寸!
Now send men to Joppa to bring back a man named Simon who is called Peter. 5现在你当打发人往约帕去,请那称呼彼得的西门来。
Now senxiang flooring has been sold to many places of the world, including US, Canada, Australia, England, France, Russia, Turkey,Vietnam, India, South Africa and so on, more than 20 countries and areas, and has the good prestige in the overseas market. 现在森翔地板已销往世界各地,包括美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、英国、法国、俄罗斯、土耳其、越南,印度、南非等二十多个国家和地区,在海外市场享有良好的声誉。
Now set your goals, they need to be SMART and you need to set both short term and long term goals. 你根本浪费不起.
Now several programs can simulate not only motion but even polarity reversals, some of which require only 1,200 years—a wink of geologic time. 现在,有些程式不只能模拟地核运动,甚至能计算地磁的反转,从模拟实验中发现,有些地磁反转事件只需要短短的1200年就可以完成,不过是地质时间上一眨眼间的事。
Now she began to live in peace and content. 现在她开始生活平静而满足。
Now she can leave her house and be a participant in life rather than a spectator. 如今她可以走出家门,成为生活的参与者,不再是旁观者了。
Now she felt her heart beating fast. 此时她感到心跳得厉害。
Now she finds out she's pregnant with 15th. 现在她竟发现自己怀了第十五胎。

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