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After a time, with increasing recognition, he found himself alternately praised and blamed by the critics.

After a three and a half hour flight from Liverpool John Lennon airport, Rafael Benitez and his Champions League finalists touched down on Greek soil at 4pm local time this afternoon. 在飞机从利物浦约翰·列侬机场起飞后3个半小时,拉法·贝尼特斯和他的参加冠军联赛决赛的球员们在当地时间下午4点到达希腊。
After a time (=some time), I got used to the weather there. 过了一段时间,我适应了那儿的天气。
After a time , we noticed a snake-CHARMER with two large baskets at the other side of the square . 一会,我们注意广场的另一边有个带着两个大篮子的玩蛇者。
After a time he muttered gloomily, ‘I see it all now! 过了一会,他沮丧地喃喃说:“现在我全明白了!
After a time, we noticed a snake charmer with two large baskets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a look at him. 过了一会儿,我们注意到广场的那一边有一个带着两个大筐的耍蛇人,于是就走过去看看。
After a time, with increasing recognition, he found himself alternately praised and blamed by the critics. 过了一些日子,由于受到越来越多的赏识,他发现自己被评论界忽而赞扬忽而指责。
After a trial in which important evidence in his favor was suppressed, Kidd was found guilty of piracy and hanged on May 23, 1701. 在一次审判中,一些对他有利的重要证据被藏匿,基德最终被判犯有海盗罪并于1701.5.23被绞死。
After a tumultuous week of clashing over the essence of the cosmos, the International Astronomical Union stripped Pluto of the planetary status it has held since its discovery in 1930. 经过一周对宇宙本质混乱的冲突后,国际天文联合会剥除冥王星自一九三0年发现以来的行星地位。
After a version of the prototype is built it needs to be evaluated. 一个版本的模型建立之后,就需要改进了。
After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist. 他受过正统的教育, 却立意过著艺术家我行我素的生活.
After a very proper upbringing he chose to lead the Bohemian life of an artist. 他受过正统的教育,却立意过著艺术家我行我素的生活.

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