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Vivian : Oh, that's so charitable of you, keeping all those blind tailors in work. How kind.

Vivian : Dummy? We don't have any dummies here, this is a fashion show. 维维安:假模特儿?我们这里没有人体模型,这是时装秀。
Vivian : How sweet. You are a charmer. 维维安:好甜喔,你真有吸引力。
Vivian : I never worry about it. I'm loaded. 维维安:我从不担心这个问题,我很富裕。
Vivian : I've just got back from the doctor's and I feel on top of the world. 维维安:我刚从医务所回来,觉得神采飞扬。
Vivian : It's very unusual to say the least. Where did you buy it? 维维安:至少可称得上‘很怪’两字,你在哪里买的?
Vivian : Oh, that's so charitable of you, keeping all those blind tailors in work. How kind. 维维安:噢,你真慷慨,给那些盲人裁缝师工作机会,真仁慈喔!
Vivian : Ok, I've finished. Swap papers. 维维安:好吧,我写完了,交换试卷。
Vivian : What are you wearing? 维维安:你在穿什么?
Vivian : What did you get? Let me see. “World's best Polka music”, are you crazy? 维维安:你买了什么?给我看看吧,《世界最佳波尔卡舞曲》,你疯了吗?
Vivian : You are a sweet talker. 维维安:你是个口甜舌滑的人。
Vivian : You think so? I prefer baggy clothes. 维维安:你觉得吗?我较喜欢宽松的衣服。

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