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But it could just as well be that those who score highly on self-esteem scales by claiming to be wonderful people all around also boast of being physically attractive.

But it cost a lot of time to produce one product if every time molding parameter is setting by calculation. 当然,如果我们在成型时每设定一个参数都要计算一次,要成型出一个产品就要几个小时才能完成了.
But it cost him and that's racing. 但是这么做让反而他损失了时间,这就是比赛。
But it could be a tricky task. 但是这不是一个需要技术的工作。
But it could be that globalisation has altered the process. 但全球化可能已改变了这一过程。
But it could do more to open up its own markets. 但中国可以再加把劲儿,进一步开放市场。
But it could just as well be that those who score highly on self-esteem scales by claiming to be wonderful people all around also boast of being physically attractive. 这种推论看来虽然合理,但同样有可能的是,宣称自己很不错,而在自尊量表上给高分的人,可能也会自吹自擂是外貌吸引人的人。
But it did annoy me, for they felt work-worn and rough against my young skin. 但的确,我讨厌她长期操劳、粗糙的手摩擦我细嫩的皮肤。
But it did eventually lose that status. 但最终它还是丢掉了自己的江山。
But it did fall by over 4% a year between 1990 and 2005. 但在1990至2005年,中国的能源强度每年降幅均大于4%。
But it did not mean there was no value in Dickens' critic on the prison. 但这并不意味狄更斯对监狱的道德批判是没有价值的。
But it didn't exactly get the heart rate rising or the blood pumping. 但是它完全不会让你心跳加快或是血脉喷张。

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