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A large staghorn calculus is seen obstructing the renal peli-calyceal system. The lower pole of the kidney shows areas of hemorrhage and necrosis with collapse of cortical areas.

A large shallow dish or plate, used especially for serving food. 大浅盘大而浅的盘或盆,尤用于盛食物
A large share of tax revenues has been transferred to local authorities, though so far with disappointing results: much has either been misspent or gone unspent. 税收收入的一大部分转给了地方政府,尽管到目前为止的结果令人失望:大部分不是被胡乱花掉就是不翼而飞。
A large sheet of paper folded once in the middle, making two leaves or four pages of a book or manuscript. 对折纸在中间对折的一张大纸,制成书或手稿中的两张或四页
A large ship was looming in the heavy fog. 一艘船在大雾中隐隐出现。
A large spiral brass tuba that fits around the player's shoulder. 海力空大号,圈形大号由演奏者掮在其肩上吹奏的大型螺旋状铜号
A large staghorn calculus is seen obstructing the renal peli-calyceal system. The lower pole of the kidney shows areas of hemorrhage and necrosis with collapse of cortical areas. 图中可见巨大的鹿角样结石嵌顿于肾盂肾盏系统。肾下极可见出血坏死区域,伴有肾皮质萎缩。
A large study of 500,000 American retirees has found that just one extra serving of fruit or vegetables a day may reduce the risk of developing head and neck cancer. 一项对美国50万名退休人员进行的大规模调查显示,每天多吃一份水果或蔬菜可能会降低头颈癌的发病率。
A large sum of money has been lost. 有一大笔钱丢失了。
A large vessel, such as a tub, cistern, or barrel, used to hold or store liquids. 大桶;大盆;缸一种大容器,如大盆、水箱或大桶,用来装或贮存液体
A large volume of electrically conducting fluid, the iron-rich liquid outer core of the earth, is the first of these conditions. 第一要件,要有大量的导电流体──地球的外核为液态,且富含铁质。
A large vote was polled. 投票踊跃。

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