Description: Art works of Chinese paintings and woodcut printmaking created in 1943-2002 by ZHU Xuanxian, from China.
展示有美术家朱宣咸1943--2002年创作的中国画、木刻版画、漫画、水粉画、插画、连环画、速写等作品及其相关资料。 |
Description: Art works of Chinese paintings and woodcut printmaking etc. created in 1943-2002 by ZHU Xuanxian, from China.
展示有美术家朱宣咸1943--2002年创作的中国画、木刻版画、漫画、水粉画、插画、连环画、速写等作品及相关资料。 |
Description: Built for extremely high production. This is the highest-priced mold and is made with only the highest quality materials.
描述:专门制造高精密度产品。这是最贵的模具,并且只能用高质量的材料制造。 |
Description: Deciduous trees, 5-10 m tall; bark brown; branchlets slender, glabrous.
形态特徵:落叶乔木,高5-10米;树皮褐色;小枝纤细,无毛。 |
Description: Discussion of our current licenses -- including possible improvements to them.
针对当前授权条款的讨论—包括可能会有的发展。 |
Description: Evergreen shrubs or small trees, 3-8 m tall, glabrous.
形态特徵:常绿灌木或小乔木,高3-8米,全株无毛。 |
Description: Evergreen shrubs or small trees, up to 12 m tall; branchlets glabrous.
形态特徵:常绿灌木或小乔木,高达12米;小枝无毛。 |
Description: Evergreen shrubs, 1-4 m tall, many-branched; branchlets gray, smooth, densely covered with glandular hairs when young.
形态特徵:常绿灌木,高1-4米,多分枝;小枝灰色,颇光滑,嫩时密被腺毛。 |
Description: Evergreen tree with milky juice; young shoots and petioles covered with rusty short hairs.
形态特徵:常绿乔木,有乳汁;嫩枝及叶柄被锈色短柔毛。 |
Description: Evergreen trees to 20 m tall, glabrous throughout; buds, young twigs, lower surfaces of leaves, and bracts covered with white powder.
形态特徵:常绿乔木,高达20米;各部均无毛;芽、幼枝、叶背和苞片均背白粉。 |
Description: Evergreen trees, up to 25 m high; twigs, buds, petioles, abaxial surfaces of leaves and peduncles covered with yellowish brown rigid hairs.
形态特徵:常绿乔木,高达25米;小枝、芽、叶柄、叶背和花梗均被黄棕色糙伏毛。 |