That's an increase from 12 births in 2005 and just nine in 2000. Of last year's births, 14 came through natural breeding, while artificial insemination or a combination of the two produced the rest.
这个数目比起2005年的12头增加不少,而2000年合计才9头。去年出生的熊猫中,14头是自然交配的成果,其馀则是透过人工授精或是综合上述两种方式而诞生。 |
That's an interesting ad.
那是有趣的广告。 |
That's an interesting story.
这是一个有趣的故事。 |
That's an interesting suggestion.
这个建议很有意思。 |
That's an interesting way to test writing ability, but content aside, have you seen young people's handwriting lately? Or anyone's for that matter, in this age of computer keyboards?
那是测试写作能力一种很有趣的方式,但撇开写作内容不说,在这电脑键盘的时代,近来你是否有看过年轻人或任何人的字迹? |
That's an old wives' tale.
“这一观点不过是老妇人的老生常谈而已。” |
That's an open question, but I would guess what is probably meant is that he was more honorable than the other Israelites at the time.
这个问题没有确切答案,我想,可能指他比当时所有的以色列人都尊贵。 |
That's an understatement. They're both fussing around Mary like two old hens. For both of them it will be their first grandchild.
那是很保守的说法。她们两个就像两只老母鸡都对玛丽处处呵护。对于她们两个来说那将是第一个孙儿。 |
That's another cup of tea.
那是另外一回事。 |
That's antithetical to effective prevention programs.
这和有效的防治计划背道而驰。 |
That's anything but true.
那绝不是真的。 |