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The Scholastic Aptitude Test measures one's mathematical ability and use of the English language. Traditionally, the English portion involved grammatical questions and paragraphs that test reading comprehension.

The Schofield Kid: I guess I'd rather be blind and ragged than dead. 斯科菲尔德小子:我想变瞎或衣衫褴褛总比死好。
The Schofield Kid: I trust you. 斯科菲尔德小子:我相信你。
The Scholars , an eighteen-century satire, is outstanding among Chinese classic novel. 《儒林外史》这部18世纪的讽刺小说在中国古典小说中是很杰出的。
The Scholarships for Overseas Students of the College of International Education, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (hereinafter referred as “Scholarships”) is set in order to encourage and help those overseas students, who perform well bot 为鼓励和帮助品学兼优的外国留学生勤奋学习,激励留学生树立积极向上的良好学习风气,特设立“西南财经大学国际教育学院外国留学生奖学金”(以下称“留学生奖学金”)。
The Scholarships include Pre-enrollment Scholarship, Overall Performance Scholarship, HSK Scholarship, University Scholarship and Chinese Government Scholarship. 留学生奖学金分为入学奖学金、综合考评奖学金、HSK奖学金、学校奖学金和中国政府奖学金五类。
The Scholastic Aptitude Test measures one's mathematical ability and use of the English language. Traditionally, the English portion involved grammatical questions and paragraphs that test reading comprehension. 学术性向测验是测量一个人的数学能力和英文的使用,传统地,英文测试的部份包含了文法问题和段落阅读理解力。
The School Campus 1. The school campus, spacious (23 hectares), lush, quiet, faraway from the noisy city, provides the ideal place to study. 校园规模本校校区广阔,校地23公顷;湖光山色,绿意盎然,而且静谧脱俗,远离尘嚣,诚为读书之理想环境。
The School Directory will be published soon. If there are any changes in your contact information, please contact the registrar, Mrs. Huei-Chung Lu, at (914) 741-2755 as soon as possible. 本学年通讯录即将印行。如果您需要更正您的通讯资料,请立即跟注册吕惠中女士联系(电话是914-741-2755)。
The School has around 5000 students enrolled on undergraduate, postgraduate, professional and bespoke corporate courses and draws upon the academic expertise of our four subject departments. 诺丁汉商学院拥有大约5,000名本科生,研究生以及博士生,分别就读于由商学院学术专家精心制订优秀课程的四大学系。
The School has just expanded to have a self-contained Middle School. 学校刚刚扩大,独立拥有一所初级中学。
The School of Business had held similar activities for Form 7 students over the past two years but it was the first time that participants could stay overnight in HKBU Student Residence Hall. 商学院在过去两年亦为中七学生举办过同类型活动,但今年是首次让参加者在浸大学生宿舍留宿。

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