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This was the hope of both me and A-Kiang, to form a team of musicians locally which we can call together anytime we have a need to handle a large event.

This was the fourteenth official meeting of government leaders from economies in East Asia and nations around the Pacific Ocean. 这是第十四次国家领导人会议,他们来自东亚以及环太平洋的国家。
This was the gala Tokyo premiere last Thursday of the movie Pearl Harbor, which will open in the?aters across Japan on July 14. 这是东京《珍珠港》首映式上的情景。此影片将于7月14日在日本各大影院上演。
This was the grim fact identified by Thomas Malthus, an English demographer, that a country's economic potential was limited by its food supply. 这就是英国人口学家马尔萨斯发现的可怕事实:一国经济之潜力受制于食品的供应。
This was the heyday of my look. Ever since that, it's been going down to the drain, hopless! 这张是我的长相的鼎盛时期,从此以后就走下坡路了。
This was the highest level since 1996, the year before China's growth trajectory embarked on a three year downtrend. 这是1996年以来的最高水平,而1996年之后,中国的经济增长开始进入为期三年的下降趋势。
This was the hope of both me and A-Kiang, to form a team of musicians locally which we can call together anytime we have a need to handle a large event. 这对我和阿铿来说是个组织当地乐团的希望,这样当我们需要处理盛大活动时就可以随时和这些音乐人保持联络互相帮忙。
This was the hundredth game - he couldn't be keeping the same team, could he? 这是他的第100场比赛,他不能保持同一个阵容,他能吗?”
This was the island where buccaneers hid their loot. 这是过去海盗们藏赃物的岛屿。
This was the last place the colonialists would leave, for in it lay riches and natural resources. 译文:这是殖民主义者最不愿意离开的地方,因为那里蕴藏着财富和自然资源。
This was the most difficult period of his life. 这是他一生中最艰难的时期。
This was the most unpleasant trip I have ever had. 这是我经历过的最不愉快的一次旅行。

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