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Their actions are unpredictable, and they are capable of releasing powerful magic.

Their account of the causes of the war conflicts with ours. 他们对于战争起因的报告与我们的相反。
Their account of the event was in conflict with ours. 他们对于这件事情的报道和我们的报道相反。
Their accounts do not hang together. 他们的叙述不相符合。
Their achievements vary from the excellent to the mediocre. Some students do have difficulty in their academic studies. 每个学生的学习成绩不尽相同。有非常优秀的,有一般的,也有学习较困难的,因人而异。
Their actions are open and aboveboard. 他们的行为都是公开及光明磊落。
Their actions are unpredictable, and they are capable of releasing powerful magic. 拥有不可思议的瞬间移动能力,并且能够吟唱强力魔法。
Their actions have led to congressional investigations and calls for reform. 她们的行动使得国会介入调查,并且要求改革。
Their actions lack consistency; they say one thing and do another. 他们言行不一,说的是一回事,做的又是另一回事。
Their actions reek of corruption. 他们的举动显然有贪污之嫌.
Their actions reflect their thoughts. 他们的行动反映了他们的思想。
Their activities closely promoted economic and cultural interchange between the Mongolian and the Xihai and Tibet, and conducing to rapidly propagate in the Mongolian and occupy a dominant position in Tibet on Lamaism. 他们的行为在客观上密切了蒙古与青海西藏间的经济文化交流,使格鲁派在蒙古迅速普及并在西藏占据了优势地位。

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