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environmental hygiene

【医】 环境卫生\n【经】 环境卫生措施

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英文: Moreover, environmental committees are formed in each College to promote environmental awareness among students and staff and to maintain a high standard of environmental hygiene on campus.

中文: 此外,各书院也成立了环境委员会,负责提高员生环保意识,以及保持校园环境清洁。        更详细...
英文: The Institute of Sanitary Assessment on Construction is constituted by the pre-assessment units in the Department of Food Hygiene and the Department of Environmental Hygiene of Beijing Municipal Center for Hygiene and Anti-epidemic Control and Beijing Ins

中文: 建设项目卫生评价所(简称预评价所)是在原北京市卫生防疫站食品卫生科、环境卫生科内设的预评价组及原北京市职业病与劳动卫生研究所的基础上组建而成的,现有工作人员均为从事此项工作多年的卫生技术和工程技术人员。        更详细...
英文: The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for purposes relating to applications for cemeteries and crematoria services.

中文: 食物环境生署会利用经本表格所提供的个人资料,处理辖下坟场及火葬场服务的申请事宜。        更详细...
英文: The proposed projects cost $574 million in total, and their completion in 2010 will bring significant improvements to the water quality and environmental hygiene of these areas.

中文: 这些拟建工程的总费用为5亿7,400万元,于2010年完成时将大幅改善这些地区的水质和环境卫生情况。        更详细...
英文: We design layout, interior decoration, supervise construction and certify compliance to Food &Environmental Hygiene Department, as per client's concept, to fulfill relevant regulations, approved building plans and structural safety requirements.

中文: 本公司可根据申请人或经营者之概念,绘画图则,装修设计,工程施工管理及证书签发,以符合食物环境卫生署及食物业规例的指引,屋宇署核准之建筑及结构图则等。        更详细...

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