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throwing off


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英文: At first the ice held, only creaking a bit, like a heavy gate. Then it gave way with a crash-almost unbearably loud because her ears were underwater-she stood up, throwing off great slabs and shards of ice. It was like being born.

中文: 起先冰层分毫不动,只叽嘎了一下,像沉重的门扉。然后突然哗啦啦一声、破碎了-声音大得她几乎受不了,因为她的耳朵在水中。        更详细...
英文: For the first week, whenever I looked out on the pond it impressed me like a tarn high up on the side of a mountain, its bottom far above the surface of other lakes, and, as the sun arose, I saw it throwing off its nightly clothing of mist,and here and th

中文: 在第一个星期内,无论什么时候我凝望着湖水,湖给我的印象都好像山里的一泓龙潭,高高在山的一边,它的底还比别的湖沼的水平面高了不少,以至日出的时候,我看到它脱去了夜晚的雾衣,它轻柔的粼波,或它波平如镜的湖面,都渐渐地在这里那里呈现了,这时的雾,像幽灵偷偷地从每一个方向,退隐入森林中,又好像是一个夜间的秘密宗教集会散会了一样。        更详细...
英文: In recent years, at the time of resolving the problems of living conditions of the poor university students through various paths, the author found that the problem of throwing off poverty in spirit of the poor college student is getting abdomen.

中文: 摘要近年来,在通过各种途径解决贫困大学生生活问题的同时,发现有相当一部分学生,包括贫困和非贫困大学生,在贫富观问题上都存在不同程度的问题。        更详细...
英文: Miss Glover entered, and throwing off all her reserve in her overwhelming sympathy clasped Bertha to her heart.

中文: 格洛弗小姐走进房,由于丰溢的同情心所支配,她抛却了所有的庄严持重,把伯莎紧紧地抱在怀里。        更详细...
英文: Our times seem especially hospitable to bad ideas, probably because in throwing off the shackles of tradition, we have ended up being quite vulnerable to untested theories and untried remedies.

中文: 我们的时代看起来特别容易接受坏主意,可能是由于摆脱了传统的枷锁,我们变得特别容易受未经检测的理论或未被尝试的救济所伤害。        更详细...

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