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basic features

【经】 基本特徵

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英文: In this article the author uses empirical data in analyzing the historical conditions on which modem economic globalization depends, and compares its basic features with that of the fetter economic globalization, and studies its general trends in the futu

中文: 摘要本文通过比较充分的实证数据分析了现代经济全球化发生的历史条件,描述了它的基本特征,研究了它未来的发展趋势。        更详细...
英文: It has its own basic features in its approach, that is, giving full consideration to the diversity of its members and acknowledging their divergence at the level and stage of development as well as the consequent differing interests and needs; laying emph

中文: 它的运行方式具有自己的基本观点,这就是:充分尊重各成员的多样性;承认成员之间发展水平和发展阶段上的差异及其带来的不同利益与需求;强调灵活性、渐进性和开放性;遵循平等互利、协商一致、求同存异、自主自愿的原则;实行单边行动与集体行动相结合。        更详细...
英文: On the basis of having a knowledge of the basic features of the teaching content and the curriculum at higher nomad schools, we should explore new ways to optimize them, observing the principles of all round develo1rnent, over-all optimization, the unity

中文: 我们要在把握影响高师院校教学内容与课程体系因素的基础上,遵循全面发展、整体优化、师範性与学术性统一、科学性与人文性统一原则,积极探索优化教学内容与课程体系的新策略。        更详细...
英文: The aesthetic features of artistic Language, such as the variability, evoking emotion non-self denotation, etc. , are the basic features that the artistic language is distinct from the conventional language, and it is the very basic reason why among the l

中文: 摘要艺术语言的变异性、吁情性和隐指性等审美特性是艺术语言区别于常规语言的根本特性,是艺术语言成为语言中最富有艺术魅力和艺术活力的语言的最根本原因。        更详细...
英文: The identity between nature and culture, the polarity between Yin and Yang, and the circularity of cyclic movements, all are the basic features of this synchronic mode.

中文: 天人合一的同一性、阴阳对反的两极性、循环往复的圆环性,是这一共时性模式的基本特征。        更详细...

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