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average value


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英文: But no measure has been taken so far, and figures on China's imports of the DR Congo's cobalt ores for 2004, gathered by the independent non-governmental organisation Global Witness, show that the average value of cobalt being exported each week from Kata

中文: 但迄今并未采取任何措施,并且根据独立的非政府组织全球观察收集的资料,中国2004年从刚果每周进口价值170万美圆的钴矿石。        更详细...
英文: On the basis of analysis for experimental data, the relationship of power between evaporation mass and time for naphtha was found and the average value of the power is about 0.70.

中文: 原油的蒸发几乎不受风速、液池面积的影响,这说明原油的蒸发受边界层条件控制的程度很小,其蒸发速率主要由其自身性质(如分子扩散系数、蒸气压等)所决定,其蒸发过程是受基本蒸发过程控制的。        更详细...
英文: The average value of the refund from export goods is below the 5 yuan.

中文: 出口所得到的退税平均为不足5元。怎么翻译?        更详细...
英文: The concept of symmetry plan of electron spin space was put forward in this paper.The problems on eigen state of electron spin and average value of spin angular momentum projection and also on the problem of phase factor of the spin-state were analyzed an

中文: 本文提出了电子自旋空间的对称面概念,分析了电子自旋的本征态以及电子自旋角动量分量的平均值的问题,并讨论了自旋态的相因子问题。        更详细...
英文: The product which will be in the inner following state of the number of examinations should be at least 60% or more, and when you repeat a management examination ,the average value of a normal vent operation should become 80% or more.

中文: 产品作为纳入下述之内部状态需检测数量为总数之60%或以上,与及当你重复此管理着的检测时,正常的排气孔的平均值需为80%或以上。        更详细...

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