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The concept of symmetry plan of electron spin space was put forward in this paper.The problems on eigen state of electron spin and average value of spin angular momentum projection and also on the problem of phase factor of the spin-state were analyzed an

The concept of row (column) transposed matrix and row (column) symmetric matrix is given, their basic property is studied, and the formula for full rank factorization and orthogonal diagonal factorization of row (column) symmetric matrix are presented, wh 摘要提出了行(列)转置矩阵与行(列)对称矩阵的概念,研究了其性质,给出了行(列)对称矩阵的满秩分解和正交时角分解公式,极大地减少了行(列)对称矩阵的满秩分解和正交对角分解的计算量与存储量,且没有降低数值精度。
The concept of safety integrity level (SIL), safety lifecycle, the qualitative and quantitative methods of the safety integrity level selection, and how to determine the required SIL are discussed. 摘要讨论安全完整性水平的概念、安全生命周期、安全完整性水平选择的定性、定量方法,介绍如何遵照功能安全的国际标准进行安全完整性水平选择。
The concept of scientific development is to develop as its principal issue, to take care of the people as its core idea, of which fundamentally require overall planning, coordination and sustainability by taking all factors into consideration. “科学发展观,第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本,基本要求是全面协调可持续,根本方法是统筹兼顾。”
The concept of similar exposure group, the way to recognize this group and its use in the qualitative and quantitative analysis were presented in detail. 在定性、定量分析方法介绍中,重点阐明了相似接触组的概念、划分及其在定性、定量分析中的应用。
The concept of structure is extended to other types of text. Chronological, narrative, parallel and deductive texts are considered. 分析其他类型的文章结构,如传记,记叙文,平行性及推理性文章。
The concept of symmetry plan of electron spin space was put forward in this paper.The problems on eigen state of electron spin and average value of spin angular momentum projection and also on the problem of phase factor of the spin-state were analyzed an 本文提出了电子自旋空间的对称面概念,分析了电子自旋的本征态以及电子自旋角动量分量的平均值的问题,并讨论了自旋态的相因子问题。
The concept of the Ecological Footprint has become a popular and increasingly used approach in environmental policy and planning, particularly for Western cities. 生态足迹的概念已经成为一个流行的、被广泛应用于环境规划和政策的工具,特别是在西方的城市。
The concept of the early-warning and emergency response system for sudden water pollution accidents is put forward herein. 摘要提出了以预警应急系统应对突发性水污染事故的构想。
The concept of the ecosystem differs from that of the community in that more emphasis is placed on abiotic factors. 生态系统的概念不同于群落,群落更强调非生命的因素。
The concept of the fravashi as guardian spirit does not occur in the Gathas of Zarathushtra. But in later Zoroastrianism, it becomes a most important idea. 法拉瓦什代表一个守卫之灵魂的概念并没有出现在琐罗亚斯德的《迦特》上,但在后期的琐罗亚斯德教里,它变成一个最重要的思想。
The concept of the instantiation of fieldbus function blocks is proposed based on the characteristics of the foundation fieldbus function blocks. 摘要首先介绍了基金会现场总线功能块的特点,在此基础上提出了功能块实例化的概念。

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