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英文: And what would an old fellow like me doing around their house, getting in the way, an old nuisance, what with my talk of aches and pains!

中文: 像我这么个老头儿,呆在他们家,能干什么呀,还碍手碍脚的,一个讨人嫌的老家伙,唠叨着这儿疼那儿痛!        更详细...
英文: But they were a little sad, because it was so long between times that they got to be near each other, what with orbital mechanics being what they are and all.

中文: 但是它们也有一点点的伤感,因为每颗星星都有各自运行的轨道,相互靠近需要太长太长的时间。        更详细...
英文: But what with the murky light, the botchy print, the tattered cover, the jigjagged page, the fumbling fingers, the fox trotting fleas, the lie a bed lice, the scum on his tongue, the drop in his eye, the lump in his throat, the drink in his pottle, the it

中文: 然而,花了一个月纳南塔蒂才偷偷赶到了前头,他每星期要记住比一个词更多的东西还是有困难的—光线不好、书的印刷很拙劣、封面破烂不堪、书页撕破了、笨拙的翻书手指、跳狐步舞的跳蚤、埋伏在床上的虱于、他舌头上的泡沫、时常带的几分醉意、嗓子眼哽住了、酒壶里的酒、发痒的手掌、呼味呼味呼吸时的痛苦、疲惫得坠入雾中的脑瓜、良心的抽搐,盛怒,肛门里喷出的气体、胃中的火、发痒的屁股、顶楼上的老鼠以及耳朵里的喧嚣声和尘土。        更详细...
英文: Cannot give your's attention into the reading, can turn off music, hope it didn't bother you to learn, even hope you will read it with carefulness , what with just a real learning english,and at appreciating then don't forget the method of using of senten

中文: 无法入心阅读的朋友,你可以关掉音乐,希望它没有打扰你学习,更希望你会细心的读,因为这样才算真正的学习,领会故事的同时不要忘记看看里面的句子的用法,祝你阅读愉快.学习进步.        更详细...
英文: Frances's hair was thin and fine and, what with her excitement and her jumping around to show methings, the roll was already coming undone.

中文: 法兰西斯的头发很细,她激动地跳上跳下为我指点,刘海上做出的翻卷发型已经掉下来了。        更详细...

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