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the United States

美国, 美利坚合众国

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英文: 1 But most important in the modern movements in the United States was the sensational Armory Show of 1913 in New York , in which the works of many of the leading European artists were seen along with the works of a number of progressive American painters.

中文: 1913年的纽约武器展览是美国历史上最为轰轰烈烈、激动人心的一次运动,这次这次展览汇聚了许多欧洲一流的艺术大师和激进的美国画家的作品。        更详细...
英文: “It makes no sense to tell well-trained, highly skilled individuals, many of whom are educated at our top colleges and universities, that the United States does not welcome or value them,” Mr Gates said. “America will find it infinitely more difficult to

中文: “这等于告诉训练有素、高度熟练的工人,美国不欢迎或者不重视他们,这毫无道理,何况他们中许多人还在我们的顶尖学院和大学中受教育,”盖茨表示,“如果美国将恰好最能帮助我们进行竞争的人关在门外,那么它将发现极难维持自己在科技方面的领导地位。”        更详细...
英文: “Thankfully we live in the United States where our right to see graphic violence and horrific images is protected under the First Amendment.

中文: 是谁抢走了我们的骨头?是谁剥夺了我们的审美权?是谁让几十万中国魔兽世界玩家受到羞辱?        更详细...
英文: “The United States and the North Korean Government have reached understanding on the disposition of DPRK related funds frozen at Banco Delta Asia.

中文: “美国和朝鲜政府就冻结在澳门汇业银行的资金的部署达成一致。        更详细...
英文: “We therefore,the Representatives of the United States of America,in General Congress assembled,appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions…… solemnly publish and declare that these united colonies are,and of right ough

中文: 翻译:“因此,我们,在国会下集合的美利坚合众国代表,向最高的审判者呼吁,说明我们的严正意向……同时郑重宣布,这些联合一致的殖民地从此是自由和独立的国家,并且按其权利也必须是自由和独立的国家……为了支持这篇宣言,我们坚决信赖上帝的庇佑,以我们的生命、我们的财产和我们神圣的名誉,彼此宣誓。”        更详细...

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