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the Tropics


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英文: About 150 species in the tropics of the world,and most abundant in tropical America.Very small quantities imported mixing among logs from Papua New Guinea and Solomon.

中文: 近150种﹐分布于全世界热带雨林区﹐在热带中南美洲是原木畜积量最丰富的树种。主要由巴布亚新几内亚及所罗门群岛进口﹐常混杂在其他种原木中﹐进口量不大。        更详细...
英文: About 80 species from the tropics to the temperate zone,and also in South East Asia and the Pacific region.In Japan C.sinennas of the same genus being ring porous wood,while those from the tropics diffuse porous,wood Much imported from Papua New Guinea,So

中文: 近80种﹐分布区域由热带至温带﹐亦分布在东南亚及大洋洲一带﹐主要由巴布亚新几内亚、所罗门群岛及伊里安地区进口﹐即份由其他地区进口。        更详细...
英文: Consequently, most of the world's fridges are to be found, not in the tropics where they might prove useful, but in the wealthy countries with mild temperatures where they are climatically almost unnecessary.

中文: 因此,世界上绝大多数冰箱不是出现在它们可能会证明自己会有用武之地的热带地方,而是在从气候上来说根本用不着它们的温和的热带国家。        更详细...
英文: Consequently, most of the world's fridges are to be found, not in the tropics where they might prove useful, but in the wealthy countries with mild temperatures where they are-climatically almost unnecessary.

中文: 因而,绝大多数冰箱不是用在也许证明很有用的热带地区,而是用丰温度适宜、从气候条件讲几乎不需要它们的富裕国家。        更详细...
英文: Dr Jablonski's study does not, for instance, help to answer whether the tropics are a wellspring of species because a hotter climate brings a higher mutation rate, or because more intense interactions between species select for more rapid evolutionary cha

中文: 例如,捷布朗斯基博士的研究未能解答究竟是因为气候更加温和导致更高的突变率,还是因为种间相互作用更强加速了进化上的改变,从而使得热带地区成为物种的发源地。        更详细...

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